The Phœnician origin of Britons, Scots & Anglo-Saxons : discovered by Phœnician & Sumerian inscriptions in Britain, by preroman Briton coins & a mass of new history : with over one hundred illustrations and maps


Cilician, 2, 32, 41f.; civilizes N. Brit., 67, 79, 81; at Garrioch, 76, 84; conquers and civilizes Ireland, 67, 74f., 91f. ; Kastabala, birth place of, at, 46f.; n. a clan title, 52f., 57f.; personal n. Ikar or Icar, 50; monument of, at Newton, 16f., 32f.; in Orkneys, 75f.; Prat or Prwt. title of, 32f.; as Pheenic., 38f. ; Sera or Sru title of, 78; local survival of n., 81f.; swastika of,


Brihats, 1, 32, 53, 188; as Cassi, Catti, Khatti, Cedi, Gad, or Goths, variants of “‘ Hittite,’’ see these heads; as Sumerians 13,

| 33, 190


Pataikoi, Greek, n. for Picts ve , Pheenics., 267

Patrick, St., the Scot of Dun- |

Barton, 106, 328; Cat title of (= Catti), 106; Cross of HittoPheenic. type (not a crucifix), 327; St. Michael and, 360 ; Serpent, banishing of, 106, 328 ; Sun and Fire worship of, 328

Paviland cave, Cré-magnon man of, proto-Arvan, 224

Pegasus, Sun-horse of Phcenics. on

A.B. coins, 6, 213, 285; and see |

Horse of Sun

Peirithoos, Homeric hero, as Brutus the Trojan, 4o4f.

Penicuik, 198

Pent, or Pett, n. of Picts, 96f., 116

Pent-land or Pett-land,n. of Scot- |

land of the Picts, 96f., 116

Penzance n. ve Phoenician, 164 ; anc. n. Burriton, 164; tin mines of, seat of Bel-Fire cult, 282

Perathea, n. of Britannia or Diana at Part-olon’s birth-place, 45

Persian Fire Cult and A.B., 184

Personal British surnames derived from Pheenician Catti or Gad and Mor titles, 215

Peru, Pheenic. solar cult in, 298

Peter, St., as an Aryan Sidonian Pheenician, 322-3

Philistines, a branch of Phoenicians, 309; A.B. type, 30-10

Pheenice n., as general n. for Pheenic. ports in Mediterranean, 146, and see map

Phoenician, origin and meaning of n., 12f., 30f., and cp. Phoenix Sun-bird as rebus n., 211r, 251, 349-50

Phcenicians, Arri or Aryans in race, 1, 12f. ; as Amorites, 13, and see Amorites ; as leading Barats or

swastika on coins of, of |

| Phoenicians, arrival of, in Albion, 160, 167, ete.; agriculture in A.B. estab. by, 170 ; art motives of, in A.B., 221, and see A.B. Coins and Monuments, Crosses, Key-patterns, Spirals; beads of, of 1400 B.c., in A.B., 21of. ; Belcult of, in A.B, see Rel; Bronze

Age in A.B. introd. by, 153 ; Bronze monopoly of, 201 ; Coins of, represented in A.B., with legends and symbols, 6, 254f. 339f., 346f., 349; Fire (sacred), making of, in A.B., 292f.; Flint

factories, Neolithic, high grade of, in A.B., 183, 218, 366; housebuilding in A.B. by, 69, 17of. ; imscripts. in A.B., 26f., 30f., 43, 350; and see Cup-marks and Sumerian ; language of, Aryan, 26f., 32f., etc. ; n. for Picts, 267 ; physical type of, Aryan, 12, 365 ; script of, Arvan, 26f. ; ** Semitic ’’ script of, 27

Pheenicians, erect Stone Circles in

A.B., 2177; as leading Sunworshippers, as in A.B., 13, 262f. ; as Tin-workers in A.B., r59f., and see Amorites, Cassiterides and Tin

Pheenicians as World Civilizers, r, etce.; and world-distributors of culture, 217!.

| Phoenix Sun-bird on A.B. coins and

| monuments and in place-names, 39f., 211, 251, 348f., and cp. 28o0f.n.

Phrygian cap of A.B. and Goths is Hittite, 6-7, 47, 247, 34¢

Pict, n. r1r4f., 117f.

Pictavia, and Picts, 118, 139, 154 ; an. for Scotland, 118

Picts, as Iberian aborigines of British Isles, 90, 111f., trof. ; as primitive Basques, 115, 154 ; as“ Blue-Legs,”’ 115; as“ Celts,”’ 113; as Khaldis, rréf.; as Vans, Wans, Vend, Fen, Fenes or Finns, 115f., 125f.; Fidga, n. of, rrof. ; Icht, Ictis or Victis, n. of,

| yarf.: Cruithne v. P., 86; in | Don Valley, 90; in England, | yr8-20; in Ireland, rrof.; in