The Phœnician origin of Britons, Scots & Anglo-Saxons : discovered by Phœnician & Sumerian inscriptions in Britain, by preroman Briton coins & a mass of new history : with over one hundred illustrations and maps

Scotland, 118; in Spain, 115; in Scythia, 3905; Brude kings of P. as Aryans, 85f., 304 ; matriarchy of, 113f., :22f. ; Phoen. n. for, 26

Picts, origin of, r1rf., 117f.; cavedwellings of, 90, 101-113f.; disappearance of, r13f-; type of, River-bed or Iberian, t1of. ; place-names of, 114, 11623, 100, 203-4; settlements of, sep. from Britons, 203-4; wall or dyke of, 97, 1907; and see Wans’ dykes

Pixies, as Picts, 113f., 125, 168; grindstones of, 125

Placenames as sources of history, 189; see Barat, Cassi, Catti, Mor, Pict, Sumer and Van placenames; and river-names

Plough, n. in Old Eng. “ ear” is Hitto-Sumer, 345, 361; invented by early Aryan Hittites, 49, 340, 348, 354f.; a sacred place of sanctuary in A.B. (G.C., 3, 17), and of the Cross, 49; n. Ar is basis of title Arri or Aryan (y.v.) and Coru-Spirit, 345, etc. ; Tascio

as patron of, 361, and see Tascio Pioughing, originated by Aryans

and introd. into A.B. by Pheenics., 170; a sacred rite under the Cross of Sumerians and Cassis, 49, 214 ; and see Corn Crosses on A.B. coins, 214f., 339 ; Phoenician tutelary of, in A.B., 338f.; and see Corn-Spirit

Polyandry in A.B. among aborigines, I13

Pottery, decorated Brit.-Pheenic., 182

Prat or Prydi, a Phoenic. form of Barat or Prydain or Briton, 32, 524.

Prayers by prehistoric Britons, 258f., 261; for kings by Early Aryans, 3i2

Pretanikai, n. for Brit. Isles, 54, 145; Pretan-oi, n. for Britons, 54. 146

Priests, Kings ex-officio, in A.B. as with Hitto-Sumers, 155, 184, 292, 340

Prydain, Cymri for Barat-on or Brit-on, 53, 170, 191

Esychology of Aryans, Iberians and Celts, 375-6

“ Celtic,” is





| Public works of A.B., 182, rorf.,

| 204f.

_ Pytheas, Phoenic. mariner, on A.B. civilization, about 350 B.c., 146-7

| O. and P. “ Celts,” 86 |

Qadi, variant of Kad or Gad tor Phoenicians; Qadi, n. of Goths in Moravia, 186

Qass, variant for Cassi, in Partolon’s Ogam inscrip., 32, 211

Queens in A.B., 386-8; Queen Martia’s code of A.B. Law, abt. 350 B.c., 388

Querns in late Neolithic Age in A.B., Phoenician (?)

Quicken (or Life-giving) Ash, or Rowan, sacred wood of Gothic Sun-Cross, 311

Ra, Egyptian Sun-god n., derived from Sumer, 242, 246; Ra-vi Sun-god of Vedas, 247, from Sumer

Race, Aryan, physical type of, 134f.; Briton, 134f.; Celtic or Alpine, 134f., 138f.; ‘‘ British Celtic,” 133, 139; Germanic in Britain, 134f., 136, 365; Iberian,

134f.; Pict, rrrf.; River-bed 134f.; and Civilization, 168, 393, 381; and Language, 133, 137-8

Raven, evil spirit of Hittites and Goths, 344

Red Cross of St. George in A.B., 304f.

Red hair, as Aryan trait, 134, 371

Red Man of Gower, 224

Red Sea Shells (Phoenician?) at Stonehenge Circle

Regni, A.B. tribe at Chichester, Sussex, 391, and see Ricon

Religion, Aboriginal, in Albion, animistic demonolatry of matriarchist Serpent-cult, 94, 107f., 124, 183,271, 311, 331 ; cauldrons (witches’) in, 94-5, 104-6 ; human sacrifice in, 183, 232f.

Religion of Ancient Britons, Aryan monotheism with Sun symbols of Hitto-Pheenician and Trojan type, 183f, 262f., 287f., 315f., 338f., see God (Aryan), Cross and “ Sun-worship ”’ ; Baptism in, 273; Corn-Spirit as Archange! Michael of Hitto-Pheenics, in,