The Phœnician origin of Britons, Scots & Anglo-Saxons : discovered by Phœnician & Sumerian inscriptions in Britain, by preroman Briton coins & a mass of new history : with over one hundred illustrations and maps


by Cannte, ete.: introd. A.B. by Phoenics., 264; Sts. Andrew, Blaze, George, John and Patrick, and see names; Symbols of, sce symbols

Surnames in Britain of tribal and facial significance, 215

Swastika, origin and meaning disclosed as Revolving Sun-Cross, 2093f., 208f.; in A.B. as in HittoSumer., Phoenic. and Trojan, 3, 2o4f., 340f. ; on A.B. monuments and coins, 15, 209, 2377 2051, 308f.; forms of, 294-5f., 3071. ; reversed as Resurrecting Sun, 238, 208i; world-spread by Pheenics., 298

Symbols, sacred, on A.B. monuments and coins, as in HittoPhoen., see Bird-, Circles, Crescent and Sceptre, Cross, Cup-marks, Fire, Goat, Horse, Lion and Unicorn, Serpent, Spectacles, Sun, Swastika and Wheel

Syria (Kur), n. for Asia Minor of Hittites, 12f., 188, 195

Syrians, White, n. for Hittites, 6

Taboo of Goose in Sun-cult of A.B, 341

Lachab, n. of Hittite Corm-Spirit Tashab in Ogam inscript. in Don Valley, 20, 309, 355

Taizal, n. of A.B. tribe in Aberdeenshire, 357

Tamar R., a Phoenic. n., 173

Tara, ancient Irish-Scot cap. %., dual Hitto-Pheenician Sun signs at, 249; Solar Hitto-Phcen. spirals at, 187, 249; Sun Crosses of Hitt. Pheens. at, 187; Sun and the Gates of Night, of Hitt. type at, 249 =

Tarshish, Amorite Phen. port as Tarsus, 41, 58,68; relations with, A.B., 414

Tarsus, Amorite Pheen. port, 41, 58f., 68, 395 ; chief port of Barats, 58; coins (Pheenic.) of, of same type and legend as A.B., 250, 354, 346-7f.; home of Britannia or Barati cult, 58; Hercules as “lord of,” 346; as Parthenai, 58 ; Traicia, of Part-olon’s tradn. (2), 68

Tarz, ane. n. of Tarsus, 68, 394; Bel worship at, as in A.B., 346

| Tas, n. of Hitt. Corn-Spirit in A.B., as in Sumer Tas and Tasi, 251, 3531.

Tascij, n. on A.B. coins for Hittite Corn-Spirit TaSap or Tashup, 339 Tascto and Tasc, legend on A.B. coins for Ta8, TaSi or Tax CornSpirit of Hitto-Sumers, 261, 33901., 342f., 346-8, 354-62, 389-301 ; on A.B. monuments, 335f.; as Archangel Mikal of Phoenics., see Michael ; Dasap Mikal of Pheens., XV., 341f. ; as Dionysos, (¢.v.) ; as Hercules, 334-7, 391, and Cross, see Cross; in A.B. cup-marks, invoked, 243, 249-50, 2s50f. in Egypt, 350f. ; in Indian Vedas, 352-4; in Jerusalem 275; n. variation in spelling in A.B., 353; in Sumerian, 353-4 ; and Plough, 349, 343, and see Plough; Resurrector from Dead in A.B., 259, 343, 359; as St. Michael (g.v.) ;

| Worship of, in A.B., 338-362 ;

worshipped by Cassis and Hittites, 349, 356; and see Dias

Tasciovanus, supposititious king of A.B., 389-91

TaSia, as “‘ Man-god of Indara,”’ or Intermediary angel, 243

Task, spirit n. in Scots=A_R. Tascio, 354

Tax, variant n. for Tascio

Teshub or Teshup, Semitic for Tasia, TaS-ub or “ Tash of the Plough,” see Tascio

Teutonic or Germanic, linguistic and tacial misuse of term, 134; inapplic. to British and Scandinav. trace and langs., 134f.

Texal, or Texalon, n. of A.B. tribe in Aberdeenshire, 357

Thames, R., n. derived from Thyamis R. of Brutus’ Prov., 174,

202; Caty-euchlani or Catuallauni A.B. tribe on, 200, 207, 210-2

Thor, Gothic Pather-god in A.B., 316f. ; Sumer orig. of n. as title of Bel, 318; as Indri or Eindri= Indara, 316f.; as Dragon slayer =Indara or St. George, 320f. ; Goats and, ve Indara (Indra) and, 243, 251, 331f., 344 ; hammer of, ve Indra’s or Indara’s, 320; horse of, 286-7; Loki and =Indara’s conflict with Lakh or Lucifer 109, 344; Sea-god title of, 316,