The Phœnician origin of Britons, Scots & Anglo-Saxons : discovered by Phœnician & Sumerian inscriptions in Britain, by preroman Briton coins & a mass of new history : with over one hundred illustrations and maps


Tiazi of Gothic Eddas in HittoSumer TaSi (Tascio), 251

Tks, Tkz, legends on Pheenic. coins =Tasc and Tascio of A.B., 346,

354 Timber houses of A.B., of HittoPhoen. type, 6of.; and see

Tlannu and Khilani

Tin, in A.B., Amorite, Mor, or Muru trade in, 159%., 165, 216, 413-5 ; Bel-fire rites in Tin mines in Cornwall, 260, 281; Cassiterides and Cornwall and Pheenicians, 160, 2tof.; coins of Cormwall of Pheenic. type, 334-6; Midlands surface, in A.B., 218; mines of Pheenics. in A.B., 155, 159, etc. ; n. in Sumer, Sanscrit and Greek, 201, 413; Phoen. monopoly of, 16c ; Pheen. Tin-portin Cornwall, 146, 164-5 ; Sargon I., see Sargon

Tombs, chariots interred in A.B., 145

Topography of Early Pheen. settlements in A.B., 18of.

Totnes, port of arrival of Brutus, 155; Brutus stone at, 162, tin mine at, 155

Towns of Early Britons separate from aborigines, 156, 203-4

Tracia, home of Britons, as Tarsus,

394 Triads, The Welsh, on prehist. in-

vasions of A.B., 190, 408, ep. 143

Tribes or clans in A.B., Att (Catt), 6, 203; Atte-cotti, 45; Bar-

clensis, 78; Briton (or Baraton), Caledon, 117 ; Cassi or Kazzi, 33, 48, etc.; Catini, 197; Catti (or Xattui) or Ceti, 6, 200f.; Caty-

euchlani or Catuellauni, 68, 200, 212; Cossini, 202; Cymnri, 190 ; Dumno-ni, 72, 282 ; Gadeni, 107; Gioln, 67f. ; Myrd

(Amorites), 190, 216; Ottadini, 163 ; Pehta or Pict, oof. ; Poenig, 32; Prydain, 53f.; Regni, 3901 ; Segon, 44, 391; Selgove, 44, 97; Sera or Sru, 79; Setanti, Sidon, 161; Texal or Taizal, 357; Tyrian, 161; Vecturi-ones, 117; Xath, 77, 269

Tri-Nova (or Troe-Noey) or“ New Troy,” anc. n. for London, 175, 4071.

Tri-Novantes, Roman n. for Londoners, 175, 408f.


| Troe-Noey, or New Troy, Gothic n. for London, 175, 4078.

Trojan, amulets with Crosses and

cup-marks as in A.B. coins and

monuments, 237, 294-5, 378, Brutus the, and “ Briton,’ conquers Albion, 167, see Brutus; Crosses,-in A.B., 140,

237, 294-5, lang. re British Doric, 177-81 ; u., 177, 498; Phoenics. in A.B., 159; religion, asin A.B., 237f.; river names in Brit., 172-4; shrine from Brutus’ birth prov., 149; Sumer inscripts. dis-

covered at Troy, 149, 237f. ; warchariots, as in A.B., 145 Trojans as Dorians, 177; as Hittites, 159f. ; as Pheenics., r6rf, 178. Tues-day, Sumer origin of Gothic n.,

354 | Tuisco, god-n., ve A.B. Tascio, 354 Tut-ankh-amen, art of, Phoenician, 220, with kindred relig. motive, in A.B., 333-6, etc.

Tyché, or Fortune, as Phen. Britannia tutelary, 57f.; 249 Tyre, Arianism (Gothic) of Early Christians at, 323; coasts of T. visited by Christ and miracle worked, 323; clans of Phoenics. of, in A.B., 161; coins of, with analogous legends and symbs. as in A.B., 354 ; Hercules temp. at, 266; purple shells of, at Stone-

henge, 219

Tyrrhenian Sea, title of Gulf of Gades, 159; of Gulf of Latium (Bratus’ birth prov.) and Tuscany 159

Uchlani, Catye-, tribe in A.B. as Hittite Xilani or Khilani, or Gioln title of Part-olon, 67-09, 71-3f.

Udug’s archaic Sumer Stone-bowl, with god-n. Zagg or Zeus, Gothic Sig and Yes 244, 342

Unicorn, oi Brit. heraldry as sacred totem ‘of Hittites, 7, 334-5f. ; assocd. with Indara, 324f., 336f. ; assocd. with St. Andrew as with Indara, 3298. ; misrepresented in Brit. heraldry, 332f.; in Scots Royal arms, 329; see Goat

Union Jack Crosses, as HittoPheen. standards, 328f.