The Phœnician origin of Britons, Scots & Anglo-Saxons : discovered by Phœnician & Sumerian inscriptions in Britain, by preroman Briton coins & a mass of new history : with over one hundred illustrations and maps


United States, Brito-racial elements and civilizn. in, 377

Usk, Esk, Exe river names as Trojan, 173-4

Van, Wan, Bian or Fen (or Finns), primitive matriarchist tribe of Asia Minor, o1f.; as aborigines of Albion and Treland, orf. ; cap. of matriarch queen Semiramis, 98 ; cave-dwellings of, like Picts’, too ; Eddic acct. of,95; lake of, 98; do. in Wales with legend of goddess, 96; matriarchs of, o3f. ;

placenames of in Brit. and Treland, 95f.; do. across Europe from Asia Minor, ro2f.: Wolf

totem of, as Fen Wolf of Gothic Eddas, 106f., 3314.

Vans, Wans or Fens as aborigines of Albion, o91f.; as Caledons, 117, Chaldees or Culdees, o7i-; as Finns, 97, 102; as Picts, o6f. : “ Children of River,” Khaldis, title of, 99, 116-7 ; Dykes of, in A.B., 95-6; matriarchs of, 938. ; physical type river-bed or Iberian, 99-103, 134; Serpent-cult of, 94, 104-5, 109

Vectis or Ictis, tin-port of Pheenics. in A.B., 116, 121f. 414

Vecturi-ones, n. for Picts, 116

Vedas (Indo-Aryan scripts), , gods of, invoked in A.B.: see Barati, Daxa (Daksha), Dyaus, Indra, Maruta (or Sakra), Sakka, Sura, gods of, invoked by Hittites, 14 ; tribes of in A.B., see Arri (Arya), Barata, Cedi, Kasi, Khsatriya, Kuru, Maruta, Panchala, Pani; lang. of, Sumerian origin of, xi, 2-14, etc., and see Words

Vend, or Vent, place-names in A.B., Europe and Asia Minor as Van, o6f.

Venedocia, n. for Wales, 96

Veneti, marine tribe of Brittany, 103

Venice, as Pheenic., 160

Verulam (mod. St. Albans), cap. of Cassi-vellaunus, 408f.

Victis, Phen. tin-port of A.B., T16, T21f., 139, 414

Vienna and Vans or Vends, 103

Vindia hill in Galatia-Cappadocia of Vans, 100, 102

Vit or Vitr, n. of Picts, 115

Vortigern, and the Jutes, 112


Wales, or Gwalia, ryo; ‘‘ Celts”’ of, 139; Cymry as Aryan and

Sumers, 1090, 208; Cambr, Gomer and Somer n. in, r90, 195; 208; Catti names in, 401;

Gower and Arthur legend, in, 195; Isca in, 195; Triads of, 190, 408; summarize A.B. ethics; Van and Vent n. in, o6f.; Went n. for, 97

Wallon, Cymric form of Ilannu, or Khilani, Gioln, Hittite, 60

Wan or Van tribe in prehist. A.B.,

see Wan; place n., in Brit., 95f. ;

Wans’ Dyke, or Ditch, or Picts’ Dyke, 95-6f.

Watling Street as pre-Roman Briton toad, 182f.; Barat and Catti place-names along, rorf., 205f., 399f., 409; in Scotland, 198

Weems or Caves, as Pict dwellings, 120

Wells, holy, in A.B., associated with St. Michael as Pheenic., 341, 357, 360; worship of, forbidden to Early Christians by Canute and others

Wemyss Cave-gravings of HittoPhoenic. type, 198, 335, 350

Wends as Vans, g6f.

West Mor-land and More-cambe Bay, with prehistoric mines and Stone Circles ye Mors, Muru or Amorites, 217

Wheeled or “Celtic” Hittitte origin, 298f.

Wheels, prehist. Stone graved in A.B. of Sun-cult, 2 2, see Drums

White Syrians, n. for Hittites, 12

Whorls, Trojan, as Solar amulets, represented in A.B., 237f., 253

Wight, Isle of, n. ve Goth, 72

Winchester, founding of, about 900 B.C., 386

Winged angels of Hitto-Sumers on A.B. coins and mons., 250f., 334-5, 347-9; goat (Sun), in A.B of Hitto-Sum. type, 347; horse (Sun), do. and see Tascio-Mikal

Wise Men of the East, The, at Epiphany as Hittite Magi Sunworshippers, 279; w. woman of aborigines, 94

Witches, as priestesses of aborig. in A.B., 94, 115; cauldron of, in A.B., 104-5f.; three, as oracles

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