The Phœnician origin of Britons, Scots & Anglo-Saxons : discovered by Phœnician & Sumerian inscriptions in Britain, by preroman Briton coins & a mass of new history : with over one hundred illustrations and maps


of Fate with Sumer origin of n., 248: nine, of Gloster ye nine maidens, 106

Wither-shins (‘‘ against Sun ’), and unlucky direct., 282—3

Woad dye ve Picts, 116

Wolf totem of Van or Fen tribe in A.B., 106, 109, 331f., 335f-; as Loki, Lugh of Irish Scots (from Sumer Liki, a dog), emblem of Death, 109, 331f., 344

Wood Cross, in A.B., Devil banishing as in Hitto-Sumer, 255f., 293f.; invoked for Resurrection from Dead, 255f., 208f., see Cross

Wood, Touching, origin and meaning of Superstition, 312

Wooden buildings in A.B. 6o0f., 155, 170f., 395.

Words, some English critical, incidentally occurring in text, derived from Sumerian (their Gothic, Anglo-Saxon, Sanscrit, Greek and Latin cognates are usually cited at same page): abyss, 273; ace, 240 ; arable, 345; ass, 285 ; bad, 248; bar, 278, 291; berry, 307 ; bide, 323, 412; blaze, 268 ; -bury, -boro {town affixes), I71 ; caduceus, 242, 252; can (dish), 4125 celerity, 412; cereal, 351; cross, 290; cue, 412; cut, 8, 351, 412 ; deuce, 282 ; dual, 240 ; deer, 328; divine, 354; ear (to plough), 345, 361; eight, 241; fate, fatal, Three Fates, 243, 248 ; fire, 291, 296; flash, 268; fortune, 59; gallop, 412; George, 320; girl, 258, 412; goad, 342. 351; goat, 330-1 ; good, 258, 412; gore, 319; gully, 117; gyron (heraldic), 307; ber, 412; hero, 274; hill, 103 ; hoop, 202 ; house, 412; inn, 320; jar (gar), 240; jug, 412; ILneifer, 344; ma (mother), 249; mace, 278, 412; magic, 279; magnify, 252; majesty, 412 ; major, 252; May, 243; mere (sea), 243, 2 60 ; mother, 243, 249; much, 252;


nod, 77; My, 275; neath, 77; mud, 412; O!412; one, 65,240; papa, 318; pyre, 291; quart and quarter, 241-3 ; raise, 35; rove, 249; Scot, to scotch or cut, 8, 452; scout, 273; scythe, 412; see 228; seed, 351 ; seven, 241; shepherd, 262 ; sibyl, 243, 248; sick, 412; six, 241; ‘sol, solar, 242, 247f.; take, 412; thou, 412; tinder, 269; town, 281; two, 240; unity, 240; velocity, 412; ween, 77; were (A.S. for “ man ”),274; Yule, 69 Writing current amongst Britons from earliest period in A.B., 175

Mat, Xatti, Sumer variants of Khat, Khatti (or Hitt-ite), 2co, 320, etc.

XMatt, n. of Catti tribe in Shet-land, 77s 209

Xattui Cuh or “ City of the Xatts, ” n. of anc. cap. of Shetland, 77,

209 Xilakku, Babylonian n. for Cilicia, 41

Yarrow mon. of Ceti-loinn clan, 70, 72

Yegg, Gothic n. for Father-god Sig, derived from Sumer, 244

York, founding of, about 980 B.c., 380

Ynel-ing Goths, as early Angles, 186

Yule, Sumer origin of n., 69; Yule tide, fire festival of Winter solstice, 272

Zag (or Axe) Sumer synonym of Khat, as source of n. Sac# or Saxon, 331

Zet-land or Het-land, variants of Shet-land, 209

Zeus, Sumer origin of name, idea and representation, 244, 342-3: worship of, in A.B., 244£., 2508.