The religion of Logos and Sophia : from the writings of Dimitrije Mitrinović on Christianity

‘History is another and higher creation (evolution being a deeper one). The self-creation of Man, of himself by himself is the fulfilment and the transcendence of the cosmic and evolutionary guidance of Man. For the real and final destiny of the Son, of the Kingdom of Humanity, will be, because it ought to be, nothing else than the attainment by the race of the evolutionary and cosmic consciousness itself and of supra-human responsibilities. History tends to become evolution itself on the higher spiral, just as evolution tends to become self-conscious on the higher spirals

of history.’

History, as Mitrinovié used the word, is to be the responsible and self-conscious work of mankind towards the attainment of Universal Humanity. This is the work before Christendom today, to bring into incarnation upon earth Sophia, the Third Person of the Holy Trinity, as an actual self-conscious being.

‘Realisation, materialisation, incarnation, matters. Attainment in time matters; in history, in matter, in time. For time, perishableness, mortality, is our human glory and essence.’

And although the language Mitrinovié used to describe this incarnation was apocalyptic in its style, his mind was always directed to the actual problems of world-ordering. The two series of World Affairs from which we have been quoting appeared weekly from September 1920 to October 1921 and from May 1933 to July 1933 and were mostly devoted to a careful and proound description of the actual world situation, both in long and short term with analysis of the significance of all the main races and nations of the world and also of religions and philosophies. The passages which we have quoted come in widely different places in these articles and often a single quotation has been made up of shorter passages in different articles. Thus it may be appreciated that Mitrinovié maintained in the World Affairs, as he did in his personal life, a synthesis of the most intense elevation of mind and imagination with the determination that such elevation must be applied to the actualities of life and of the world situation.

The religion of Logos and Sophia proclaims that Christianity does not belong to the past only, but also to the future. It may indeed be very different in the future from the accepted Christianity of the Churches as it has been understood in past centuries