The science of life : fully illustrated in tone and line and including many diagrams


Nitzschia, 595

Noctiluca, 512, 514, 520, 515, 595

Nordenskiold glacier, 547

North Africa, 206

— America, 206, 231, 237, 239, 244, 444, 470, 476

— Sea, 527, 551, 225

North-western India, 195

Norton, Lt.-Col., 6, 7

Norway, 410, 488, 601

Notochord, 95, 118

Nourishment of the body, 47, 634—

_ 645

Nova Scotia, 490

Nummulite, 565

Nyctilus, 569-570

Nyctiphanes, 595


Oak, 155, 586, 590

Obelia, 146=149, 150, 157, 415; 147, 405

Ocean, depth of the, 8; lifein. See Sea

Occupational mortality, 654, 655

Octopus, 132, 409, 419, 421, 596, 669, 420. 515

(Ecophylla, 700

Oeda, 574

(Enothera lamarckiana, 352, 353

Oikomonas, 568

Oikopleura, 595

Okapi, 236

Old age. See Senility

Old Stone Age, 11, 257, 493, 494

Oligocene period, 196, 469, 472, 474, 483, 198, 208, 471

Oliver, Prof. F. W., 589

Onager, 203

Onychophora, 129

Ooze, abyssal, life on, 523-524; globigerina, 171; radiolarian, 171

Ophiothrix, 136

Oporabia autumnata, 369

Opossum, 110, 229, 236, 237, 238 Optoquine, 633 rang-outang, 481, 753, 756,

248: late embryo of, 251

Orchids, 464, 546

Ordovician period, 196, 197, 414, 415, 417, 419, 198, 420

Oregon, 490

Organisms, sizes of, 564-568

Organizers, in embryo, 317

Origin of species, 263. See Evolution — — life, 394-396

Ornitholestis, 449, 458

Orohippus, 207, 204

Orophocrinus, 417

Orthogenesis, 264, 265, 380

Oryx, 235

Osborn, Prof. Henry Fairfield, 26

Osteolepis, 440, 423

Ostracoderms, 422, 424, 425, 420, 423

Ostrich, 564

— Dinosaur, 467, 458

Otter, 111 Ovary, 91; 92, 97, 100, 92; in plants, 160

Oviduct, 92, 93, 92


Ovum, 87, 90, 91, 93, 97, 273, 90, 567

Owl, Snowy, 490, 548

Ox, 110, 471

Oxford clay, 195

Oxidation and life, 23

Ox-pecker, 610

Oxygen, 22, 63; amount needed, 63; and plants, 154, 155; as

a poison, 182 ; transport of, in

body, 34, 43 ; urgency of need

for, 36-37. See Respiration Oxysoma, 707, 706 Oysters, 130,131; as typhoid

carriers, 640


PACHYCONDYLA, 705 Pachystomias, 518 Paddie-bird, 597 Paddle-worm, 137 Pain, 74 Palzomastodon, 471 Paleotherium, 209 Paleozoic era, 196, 197, 412-413, 415, 417, 419, 421, 427, 198, 392 — fish, 423 — vertebrates, 423 Palestine, 177, 494 Palinurus, 515 Pallas’ sandgrouse, 602 Panama, Isthmus of, 241 Pancreas, and diabetes, 102; and digestion, 54-55 Pangenesis, Darwin’s theory of, 355 Pansy, wild, 378 Panthera tigris longipilis, 232 — — sondaica, 232 Papaver nudicaule, 373 — striatocarpum, 373 Papilio cynorta, 576 — dardanus, 221, 576 Paraguay, 231 Parahippus, 209 Parallelism and variety of life-communities, 581-584 Paramecium, 172, 567 — bursaria, 665, 666 — caudatum, 665, 683-686, 683 Parasite-chains, 593-597 Parasites, 172, 226, 503, 578, 579; 125, 402 Parasitism, discussion of, 503, 555562 Paratettix, 352 Parathyroid glands, 102 Paratyphoid, 218 Pareiasaurus, 448 Parrot, 89 Parthenogenesis, 274 Partnership and parasitism, 562 Passerella ilica (fox-sparrow), migration of, 490 * Passive immunity ”’ from disease, 631 Pasteur, Louis (1822-1895), 5, 176, 267, 613, 623, 630, 632: experiment by, 268 Patagonia, 490 Patella, 106 Pattern in life, colour and, 568577 ; Pavement epithelium, 29



Pavlov, Prof, Ivan Petrovitch, 728; 779-773; 774; 778, 779: 780, 781, 782, 784, 785, 789, 810, 811

Peacock, 735

Peat, 437

Peccary, 236, 474

Pedicellarie, 135

Pelagic zone, 512

Pelagomya, 516

Pelagothuria, 513, 516, 515

Pelican, 113

Pellagra, 638

Pelvis, 106

Pelycosaur, 448, 449

Penguin, 514, 597

— Adelie, 752, 753, 752

Pennaria, 148

Pepsis, 573

Peridinians, 539, 598

Peridinium, 595

Periophthalmus, 440,

Peripatus, 129, 137, 21

Perissodactyla, 110

Peristalsis, 52

Permian period, 196, 415, 439, 444, 446, 447, 448, 461, 462, 468, 198, 420, 445

Persia, 206, 540, 599

Peru, 616

Pests and their biological control, 609-612

Petrel, 547

Phaeocystis, 595

Phagocytes, 59, 60, 630

Phalanger, vulpine, 237, 235

Phalarope, 368, 359

Phanerogams, 162

Phenacodus, 471

Philip IV of Spain (1605-1665). 299

Philippine Islands, snails of the, 374

Pholas, 529

Phoronis larva, 513

Phosphates and muscular activity, 645

Phosphorescence. See Animal light

Phosphorus, importance of supply, 617

Phototropism, 680

Phthisis, 654, 655

Phyllirrhoe, 521

Phylum, classes of the vertebrate, 109 ; meaning of, 106

Physalia, 150

Piddock, 529

Pierine butterflies, 378

Pig, 110, 474, 217, 471

Pigeon, 734, 739; wild rock, 229

Pike, 536

Pilidium larva, 513

Piltdown man. See Eoanthropus

Pineal gland, .108, 725, 765, 765 ; of frog, 724

Pine-tree, 590 ; spores of, 432

Pipe-fish, 527, 151

Pithecanthropus, 251, 252, 486

Pituitary gland, 90, 97, 98, tor, 102, 108, 322, 570, 99, 724, 765

Placenta, 96, 98, 96

Placental mammals, 110; archaic, 449; evolution of the, 471; modern, 449

Plague, 628, 629, 653


529, 6, 667, 128