The science of life : fully illustrated in tone and line and including many diagrams


Plague bacillus, 568

Plaice, 527

Planaria, 140, 145, 332, 140, 405

Planema epoea, 576

Planktomya, 514

Plankton, 124-125, 510-516; in lakes, 538; in polar seas, 548 ; in rivers, 534

Plankton-recorder, 591

Plant-animals, 172-174

Plant-body, the building of the, 401-404

Plant-bug, sex determination in the,


Plant-carbohydrates, 579

Plant-cells, 155, 156

Plant-lice, 583

Plant-proteins, 579

Plants, 154-166 ; and water, 582 ; aquatic, 509, 510, 511; behaviour of, 679; breeding of, 303-304 ; cells of, 155; classes of higher, 162; cycad-like, 420 ; development of, 461-465 ; distinction from animals, 154, 173, 182; earliest known land, 429 ; evolution of true flowering, 420, 432; fertilization of, 166 ; flowering, 162 ; food of, 156; growth of, 679; importance to animals, 578; individuality in, 157-158 ; invisibly small, 9; light and, 154-157, 582 ; nutrition of, 154-157, 503 ; of the ancient world, 434—436°5 organisation of, 155 ; pollination of (see Flowers) ; 3 regeneration in, 156; reproduction in, 155-166 ;_ single-celled, 173 ; Si J. GC. Bose’s experiments with, 9, 679 ; stomata of, 155 ; sunlight and, 156; variations in, 362-363

Planule, 148

Plasmodium falciparum, 627

— malarie, 627

— vivax, 627

Plato, 865

Platurus, 452

Platyhelminthes, 140

Platypus, 213,-216, 221, 237, 235

Play, biological function of, 749753 ; in man, 876

Pleistocene period, 196, 197, 198, 468, 470, 486, 492, 551, Goa, 198, 208, 471

— and recent climate, 486-492

— ice-sheet, work of, 540

Plesiadapis, 474

Plesiosaur, 114, 452, 449, 452

Plesippus, 208, 204

Pleurobrachia, 151, 151

Pliocene period, 196, 469, 486, 492, 743, 857, 198, 208, 392, 471

Pliohippus, 207, 208, 204, 208

Plover, 693

— golden, 490

— ringed, 569, 571

Plumose anemone, 151, 151

Plymouth Aquarium, 570

Pneumococcus, 654.

Pneumonia, 648, 654, 655

Podon, 595

Poisons, in 639-642


food, some possible,


Poisons, produced by amphibians, 671

Polacanthus, 449, 458

Polar regions, 547

Pollan, 375

Pollen, 160; and bees, 717-718; evolution of, 430-433. See Flowers

Pollination, 158-160 ; by animals, birds, and insects, 463-465

Polyergus, 703

Polygalum, 230

Polyploidy, 363

Polyps, 149, 147, 151, 405, 406, 513, 564, 565

Polyzoa, 143; 554

Pompilius quinquenotatus, 697

Pond-life at the surface-film, 535, 534

Poplar, 271, 443, 469

Population, 873-874

Porcupine, 111

Porpoise, 111, 112

Porthesia chrysorrhcea, 682

Portugal, 491, 629

Portuguese man-of-war, 150, 520

Portunion, 226

Potamogeton, 538

Poultry, determination of sex in, 342; heredity in, 295, 297, 341-342

Prawn, 421, 527, 680, 518, 521,

524; larve of, 595 Praying mantis, 387, 736 Pregnancy, 96-97, 98; extrauterine, 92 ; influence of shock on, 312

Preservation of food, 635

Pressure at great depths, 519

Pribiloff Islands, 617

Prickly-pear, 237, 598, 611

Primary era, 197

Primates, 111, 111, 471. Apes, and Monkeys

Primitive streak, in embryo, 94

Primula, 352, 375

— sinensis, 351, 363

Prince, Morton, 798, 799; 800

Proboscidea, 110, 471

Procerodes, gamete of, 273

Progeria, 330

Projection in psychology, 819

Pronuba, 692

Propagation, artificial, 275-277

Propliopithecus, 483

Prorocentrum, 595

Prostate gland, gt, 91

Protection, by bluff, 576 =

Proteins, 48, 186; in animals of different species, 218-220

Proterozoic era, 196, 197, 410, 412, 198, 392

Proteus, 222, 551, 552

— amceba, 168

Prothallus, 162

Protocentrum, 595

Protoceras, 471

Protocrinus, 417

Protohippus, 209

Protonema, 164

Protoplasm, 28; irritability of, 664, 665 ; nerve-like condition in, 672-673 ; origin of, 395

Protozoa, 170, 271, 401, 269, 272, 515, 565, 568 - multiplication

See Man,


of, 170; 171

Przevalsky’s horse, 203

Pseudocalanus, 595

Psycho-analysis, 811-814

Psychology, and conduct, 827-838 ; comparative (See Behaviour, Mind) ; human, 787-826

Ptarmigan, Spitsbergen, 490

Pteranodon, 456, 456, 564

Pteraspis, 423

Pterichthys, 423

Pteridophyta, 163

Pteridosperm, 214, 435, 444, 420

Pterodactyl, 452, 468, 218, 456

Pterolepis, 423

Pteropods, 419, 548

Pterosaurs, 457, 456

Pterygoteuthis, 521

Ptomaine poisoning, 640

Puberty, a9

Puerperal icver, 632

Pulse, in man, 38

Pure lines, in genetics, 287-290

Puss-moth caterpillar, 576

Pycnogonids, 549, 524

Pylorus, 54

Pyramids of Egypt, composition of, 171

Pyrenees, 397, 491

Pyrosoma, 119

Pyrosomes, 514

Pyrotheres, 240, 471

Pyrotherium, 237

Python, 114

sexual process in,


QUAGGA, 203, 377

Quartzite, 200

Quaternary era, 197

Queen ant, 701

Queen bee, 711, 718-719, 565, 566 Queensland, 611

Quinine, 633


RABBITS, I10, 237, 588, 598, 600, 606, 607 ; brain of, 733 ; digestive organs of, 505

Races, distribution of human, 239 : do they grow senile? 382; mixture of, 376, 871 ; of mankind, 863-864

Radio-active elements as geological clocks, 255

Radiolaria, 171, 178, 402, 403, 595

Radiolarian ooze, 171

Radium, 255

Radula, 418

Rafflesia, 463,

Ragweed, 587

Rag-worm, 138

557, 564

Rana. See Frog Rat, 110, 605, 628, 630, 744; black, 364, 3775 370; brown,

364-365, 377; hooded, 370; 371, ; /0; and plague, 605, 628 Rat-f>2, 596, 628 Rat? ailisation, in psychology, 795 Rattle nake, 114. Raven, 748, 750 Ray, 116 Ray leigh, Lord (1842-1919), 25