The science of life : fully illustrated in tone and line and including many diagrams


Recapitulation, in man, 94-95; theory of, 222-99

Recent period in geology, 196, 197

Recessiveness, in heredity, 294

Record of the rocks. See Fossil record and Evolution

Rectum, 92

Red deer, 551, 217

— Fife wheat, 615

— Sea, 553; origin of name of the, 167, 174

Red spider, 611

Redi, 267

Redshank, 359

Redwing, 752

Reed, Walter, 629

Reflex, 84, 85, 86, 772, 77

— conditioned, 770-773 ; contrast of, with inborn, 771; inhibition of, 775-780

Regan, Dr. Tate, 236

Regeneration of lost parts, 145, 276, 145, 156

Reindeer, 494, 548

— moss, 177, 591

Rejuvenation, 89, 330; is it desirable ? 335-336

Religion and biological discovery,

12; and theory of Evolution, Igt, 265 ; in man, 866-870

Remora, 530

Repression and the complex, 807811 Reproduction, g1, 144, 268-281 ; in plants, 158-166, 271, 426434, 461-465; of our species, 873-876 ; rapidity of, 170, 364

— sexless (asexual), 268 ; artificial, 2753; im amceba, 170; in animals, 144, 145; in bacteria, 181 ; in plants, 158; the most primitive method, 268

— sexual, 90; a complication of reproduction, 271; absent in bacteria, 181; evasions and

replacements of, 274-275; in fungi, 174; in Protozoa, 171; mechanism of, 282-286 ; reason for, 362-363. See also Fertilization of the egg

Reproductive system, 90-93

Reptiles, 113-114, 452, 564 ; beginning of the Age of, 446, 447-450; brain in, 730-735 ; evolution of, 447-461, 420, 449; flying, 456 ; length of the Age of, 257

Resin, 201

Respiration, 40; of plants, 154 3 organs of, 40; reason for, 22 regulation of, 63

Respiratory system, 40-493 ; diseases of, 654; of fish, 108; of insects, 465

Response, forms of, 670-672

Retina, 79, 79

Retrogression, 330

Reversion to ancestral type, 307308 Reward wheat, 615

Rhabdopleura, 119

Rhamphorhynchus, 456

Rheumatic fever, 653

Rhinanthus, 557

Rhine, 488 ; species of fish in the, 536


Rhinoceros, 110, 236, 526, 610, 471, 597; Malayan, 744; Merck’s, 487 ; woolly, 495

Rhizocrinus, 225

Rhizopoda, 171

Rhizosolenia, 595

Rhodesia, 493

Rhodesian fever, 629

—man. See Homo

Rhynia, 436, 420, 429

Rhyniella, 416

Ribbon-weeds, 525

Ribs, 106 ; action of, 41

Rice-grass, 589

Richet, Prof. Charles, 617, 841, 842

Rickets, 638, 639

Rivers, early vertebrate evolution in, 425; life in, 534; pollution of, 537

Rockies, 397

Rock-lobster, larva of, 515

Rocks, age of, 255-258; diagram of the record of the, 198; evidence of, for evolution, 194215; formation of sedimentary, 194. See Fossil record

Rodents, 110, 474, 471

Rodriguez, 550

Rook, 752

Roscoff (Brittany), 560

Ross, Alexander, 5

Ross, Sir Ronald, 600

Rotang palm, 545

Rothamsted Experimental Station, 500

Rotifers, 142, 554, 563 ; evolution of, 407

Roughage, in food, 636

Roundworms, 138-140

Roux, Wilhelm (1850-1924), 319

Ruby wheat, 615

Ruff, 738, 740

Ruminants, 471 ; stomach of, 476

Ruptive coloration, 571

Ruscus, 222

Russia, 599

Rust (of wheat), 557

Ruwenzori, 591



Sabre-tooth, 471

Sabre-toothed cats, 384

Sacculina, 126, 226, 555, 557, 125

Sagitta, 409

Sahara, 236, 470, 489, 540

St. Francis of Assisi, 804

— Helena, 242, 243

— Hilaire, Geoffroy, 262

— Louis, 487

Salamander, 115, 440, 737; evolution of, 449

Saliva, 51

Salmo, 375

Salmon, 439; migration, 536

Salps, 514

Salts, mineral, and _ fresh-water animals, 168, 532; as food of plants, 154 ; in blood, 34, 531 ; in diet, 47; in lakes, 553; in sea, 394 ;

Salvarsan, 633

Sand-dollar, 135, 418

Sand-eel, 595

Sand-grouse, 543

Sand-hopper, 241

Sand-rat, 358, 358

Sandstone, 199

Sandworm, 408, 513

Saprophytes, 173

Sargasso Sea, 502, 516

Sargassum bacciferum, 516

Sassafras, 469

Saturnia pavo, 692

Sauropods, 459, 460, 449

Saxifrage, 464

Scale-worm, 138

Scales, in fishes, 424; in reptiles, 113

Scallop, 131

Scapula, 106

Scardafella inca, 506

Scheuchzer, Professor, 197

Schizophrenia, 817

Schopenhauer, Arthur (1788-1860), 262 :

Science, dawn of modern, 11

Scorpion, 126, 420

Scotland, 233, 487, 488, 491

Scottish Highlands, 195, 199

Scrophularia, 222

Scrophulariacee, 376, 557

Scurvy, early treatment of, 637

Scymnognathus, skull of, 213

Scyphozoa, 150

Sea, as original home of life, 394396; deep, 517-524; life in, 8, 508-512; shore life, 524—

5273; surface life of, 512-527, 513; temperature of, 399400, 519

Sea-anemones, 151, 522, 559, 125, 511, 577

Sea-cow, 474

Sea-cucumber, 136, 412, 418, 516, 524, 420, 515; larva of, 513; pelagic, 515

Sea-dahlia, 151, 151

Sea-elephant, 741

Sea-fan, 511

Sea-gherkin, 136, 136

Sea-gooseberry, 151, 151

Seal, 111, 514, 548, 549, 471

Sea-lettuce, 174

Sea-lily, 136, 412, 417, 445, 524, 136, 225, 420

Sea-lion, 741, 471

Sea-mouse, 137, 138

Sea of Galilee, 538

Sea-pens, 524, 511

Sea-pudding, 136

Sea-scorpion, 415-416, 422, 425, 420, 564

Sea-serpents, 188-189

Sea-shore life, 524-526

Sea-slug, 419, 515

Sea-snail, 595

Sea-snake, 452

Sea-spider, 549

Sea-squirts, 129, 119, 332, 524

Sea-urchin, 135, 210-211, 417, 670, 687, 136, 321, 420; behaviour of, 677; gamete of, 273; segmentation of eggs of, 321

Seaweeds, 172-174, 271; 428, 429 ; gamete of, 430, 273

Sea-woodlice, 524

144, 224, 331;