The science of life : fully illustrated in tone and line and including many diagrams


Squid, 409, 421, 596, 695, 518, 521, 564

Squilla, 527

Squirrel, 110, 229, 505, 596, 753; 471

Stag, 381

Stamen, 159, 433, 159

Starfish, 134, 145, 417, 667, 135, 136, 145, 420. 524, 565; behaviour of, 676

Starling, 237, 609, 748, 752

Stefansson, Vilhjalmur, 549

Stegocephalians, 441, 446, 442, 449

Stegosaurus, 461, 449, 460

Steinach, Eugen, 89, 102, 334, 335; 345

Steno, Nicholas (1638-1686), 13

Stensio, Dr., 4294

Stentor, 665, 666, 667, 669, 665

Sterilization against bacteria, 181, 632, 635 _

— of the unfit, 875

Sternum, 106

Stick-insect, 693, 784, 565

Stickleback, 536, 736

Stigma, 159

Stigmatization, 804-805

Still-births, 339

Stomach, human, 52, 26, 27; of calf, 476

Stomata of plant, 155

Stomolophus, 515

Stone curlew, 752

Straits of Gibraltar, 488, 519

Strangeways, Dr., 30

Strata, building of geological, 194-199; formation of, 194. See Fossils and Rocks

Stratton, Professor, 751

Strawberry, 271

Streptococcus pyogenes, 624

Strongylus, 140

Structural plans as evidence for evolution, 216-220

Struthiomimus, 458, 458

Sturgeon, 536, 539

Stylonychia, 268, 269, 402

Sublimation in psychology, 810

Succinea putris, 572

Sucker-fish, 530

Sugar, 304, 635

Sugar-cane weevil, 611

Sugar-maple, 586

Sumatra, 557

Sun animalcules, 402

Sun-fish, 514

Sunflower, 587

Sunlight, and plants, 156; as a tonic, 651-652; fresh air and, 646-652. See Ultra-violet light

Surgery, antiseptic and aseptic, 631, 632, 633

Survival of the personality after death, 852-853, 877

Swallow, 752

Swallowing, 51

Swallow-tail butterfly, 576

Swamp-cypresses in Florida, 436

Sweat, 62

Sweden, 256

Sweets contaminated with arsenic, 640

Swimming bladder of fish. See Gas-bladder

Sycamore, 587, 590


Syllis ramosa, 145, 146

Symbiosis, 177, 555-562

Sympathetic nerves. See Nervous system

Symphytum, 230

Syncoryne, 280

Syndyoceras, 471

Synodontis, 570

Syphilis, 182, 625, 631, 633

Syria, 241, 493

Syrian desert, 540



‘Tabus, 860-864, 866, 867, 868

Tadpoles, 115, 534; transformation of, 321-323, 323

Tenia, 142

Taiga, 590

Tail, 28; characteristic of vertebrates, 409; in birds, 212; in human embryo, 28, 94, 254, 94; prehensile, 546

Tamandua, 238

Tanganyika, Lake, 539

Tapeworm, 138, 142, 555, 562, 596, 564

Tapir, 110, 236, 243, 571, 243, 471

Tarpon, 564 :

Tarsius, 482; brain of, 767

Tartary, 177

Tasmania, 236

Tasmanian devil, 236, 235

Taste, 75 ; in fishes, 727

Taungs skull, 483

Taunus, 397

Tea, use and abuse of, 644

Tealia, 151

Teeth, in horses, 204-209, 264; of sabre-toothed tiger, 384; of Trachodon, 460; vitamin D and the, 638

Telangium, 436

Telegony, 310

Telekinesis, 843

Telepathy, 840-842

Teleplasm, 845-851

Temora, 595

Temperament, in dogs, 785; in man, 821-826

Temperature, and life, 7, 553; of deserts, 541 ; of the body, 22, 60, 61, 648, 649; of the sea, 400, 519; sense of, 73, 74

Tendons, 33

Tenrec, 471

Terebratula, 143

Teredo, 529

Termites, 558, 583, 707-709, 709

Terrapin, 113

Territorial instinct in birds, 603

Tertiary period, 197, 476

Testes, g1, 102, 91

Testis-grafts, 335

Tetanus, 623, 631

Tetrabelodon, 471

Texan ant, 700

Texas, 551, 750

Thalamus, 726, 729, 765

Thalassiosira, 595

Thames, 488

Thayer, 571

Theriodonts, 448

‘Theromorphs, 213, 213, 449

Thirlmere, 551

Thistle, 610

Thorax, 27

Thomson, Sir Basil, 870

— Prof. J. Arthur, 8

Thorium, 255, 256

‘Thorn-scrub, African, 590

Thrush, 752

Thylacoleo, 241

Thymallus vulgaris, 536

Thymus, 102

Thyroid extract, effect of, 322. See Thyroxin

— gland, 90, 97, 100, 101, 102, 108, 67; and growth, 322

Thyroxin, 100, 102, 645

Tibet, 540

Tibetan sheep, 544

Tick-bird, 597, 597

Tiger, sabre-toothed, 384; species of, 232

Tillandsia, 546

Tillyard, Dr. R. J., 848

Time. See Geological time

— idea of, in animals, 687, 688

Tissandier, Gaston, 7

Tissue culture, 29

Titanotheres, 211, 473, 471

Titanotherium, 381, 471

Tit, longtailed, 601

Toad, common, 115, 115; evolution of, 449; poison of, 671

Toadstools, 174, 175

Tobacco, 351, 463 ; use and abuse of, 642, 643, 644, 645, 654, 659

Tomopteris, 595

Tooth. See Teeth

Torpedo, 424, 672

Torres Straits, 530

Tortoise, 113, 457, 449; gamete of, 273

Touch, sense of, 72

Toxeuma, 518

Toxodon, 475, 237

Tozzia, 558

Trachea, 40

Trachee, 126, 465-466

Trachodon, 201, 460, 449, 458

Traditionalism, passing of, 870-871

Transformism, 261, 262

Tree, method of grafting a, 276, 276

Tree ant-eater, 238

Tree-ferns, 162

Tree-frog, 545, 671, 729-730

Tree-shrew, brain of, 76

Tree-toad, 545

Trembley, Abbé, 277

Trepang, 135

Triassic period, 196, 421, 426, 442, 445, 446, 448, 451, 452, 453, 458, 460, 461, 468, 470, 472, 198, 420

Triceratops, 449

Trichina, 555

Trichinella, 139

— spiralis, 139

Trichomonas, 402

Triconodonts, 449

Tridacna, 594, 564

Trilobites, 413-415, 421, 425, 414, 420

Trinidad, 464

Trinil, 251

Tripe de roche, 177 Trituberculates, 449 Trochophore larva, 513