Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu

SUMMARY Actio De In Rem Verso From the Roman Law to the Austrian Civil Code The subject of the paper are the changes in the theoretical expounding and in the practical application of the indictment actio de in rem verso, which caused tins indictment, introduced original!}' to hold the pater familias responsible for the obligations of the persons subordinated to him, to become a versional demand of modern laws. There periods whicx brought important changes are indicated. In the Roman law, in the Dominato period this indictment gradually lest some of its original characteristics, and consequently in Justinian’s time it became possible to use it exceptionally even then the defendant had an advantage from the contract made by a vare person acting as the negotiorium gestor of the defendant. Further changes occurred in the XVIIth and XVIIIth centuries only, under the influence of the new principles that no one can make profits on account of someone else. That is whv it is stressed in the papers of this school that the basis of the debtor’s obhgation is a property gain, which he made on defendant’s account and as the consequence of such an approach two suppositions remained, which in Justinian’s law had to be fulfilled in order that actio de in rem verso could be taken, i.e. the gain from a contract that the defendant made with a third party, and that the third party acted as a negotiorum gestor of the defendant, later became unimportant. Thanks to the new concepts in the theory and practice of the XVIIIth century these two suppositions were entirelö neglected. While formerly in the General Law this indictment served mainly that the giver of authorization or dominus negotii could be held responsible for the obligation under the contract made by his proxy or negotiorium gestor, in the new conditions, with adopting the rule that the proxy directly commits the party he is representing, the domain of its application extended to the cases where there is no representation, or where the proxy' according to the new regulations does not bind the represented party either. In the second half of the XVIIIth century actio de in rem verso was mostly used in three cases: for payment of the debt under a contract with minors, for obtaining compensation from the parents for sustenance of their children and, rarely, against any holder of things for whose keeping or repairing the property of the plaintiff was utilized. The paper ends with a short review of the provisions of the versional demand, in the Draft of the Austrian Civil Code Codex Theresianum in the project of 1798 prepared by Martini in the General Austrian Civil Code of 1811.

RÉSUMÉ Actio de in rem verso depuis le droit romain jusqu'au code civil autrichien L’objet de ce travail se rapporte aux changements dans les argumentations théoriques et dans l’application pratique de l’actio de in rem verso qui ont eu pour conséquence que cette action, qui a pris naissance en tant que Г une des actions introduites dans le but de rendre possible à ce que le pater familias réponde des obligations des personnes qui lui sont soumises, se transforme en actio de in rem verso des droits contemporains. Trois périodes sont signalées dans lesquelles d'importants changements se sont produits. Dans le droit romain, à l’époque du Bas-Empire, cette action a perdu progressivement certains de ces caractères originaux, de sorte qu’à l’époque de Justinien il était devenu possible de recourir à cette action exceptionnellement même dans le cas que le défendeur avait retiré un profit du contrat, qu’une personne libre avait conclu en agissant comme negotiorum gestor du défendeur. D’autres changements se sont produits beaucoup plus