Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu



то ущерба (утери денежной суммы) потерпевшему следует признать право на возмещение в размере, превышающем размер процентов по закону, если докажет наличие большого вреда. На присужденный размер возмещения вреда (в случаях уголовной ответственности), проценты следовало бы назначать со дня вступления в силу судебного решения, если вопрос идет о вреде, причиненном личности или имуществу, а если вопрос идет о денежных убытках, проценты следовало бы начислять со дня возникновения убытка, не ставя в обязанность потерпевшему требовать определения о наступлении просрочки со стороны причинителя вреда.

SUMMARY The Types in Assessment of the Compensation for Damage The author finds that there is no difference, from the point of view of the validity of the court decision on the rent, between the increase of the rent in case of the deterioration of the consequences of the injury and the decrease of the rent in case of amelioration of the injury. The conception that the causes of damage cannot claim decrease of the compensation in case of amelioration of the victim’s condition is the consequence of the misconception of the notion of damage, that in the author’s opinion does not consist of the fact of loss of the working capacity, but also of the loss of earnings incurred by the physical injury. The court decision with respect to the future rent has a conditional meaning, for the judicial forecast of the movement of wages in future has not the same character as the fixing of the amount of the lost wages in the past. That is why the author pleads for the solution providing increase of the rent owing to the increase of the cost of living, decrease of th buying capacity of money, and the increase of the productivity of labour. The amount of the compensation for damaged property should be, on principle, equal to the damage providing the possibility of decreasing the compensation if it could not considerably affect the damaged, since the act of the causer of damage was due to simple negligence, while payment of the full compensation would impoverish him. For the damage of property (damage for destroyed property) the rule should be accepted, with a few important exceptions, that the market value of the property at the time the decision was made on the plaintifs claim should be authoritative. If money is involved (loss of money) the damaged party should be entitled to compensation graeter than the lawful interest rates, if he proves that the damage was greater. The interest rate should be calculated (for delict responsibility) for the adjudged amount of the compensation beginnig the day of the validity of the court decision if no property is involved, while it is the question of money damage, then the interest rate should be calculated beginning the day the damage was caused.

RÉSUMÉ Les diverses sortes et le mode d’évaluation des dommages-intérêts De l’avis de l’auteur, du point de vue de la validité du jugement par lequel une rente a été une lois adjugée, il n’y a aucune différence entre l'augmentation de la rente en cas d'aggravation des conséquences de la lesion et la