Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu



SUMMARY How to approach the Problems of legal relations relating to inheritance The basic question covered in this article is what method should be used to approach the given problems. Two ways are listed: to amend the text of the Inheritance Law to the extent to which social needs impose révision or to work out an entirely new text. A considération of the arguments for each approach leads us to the conclusion that the best course is to amend the text of the existing Ihheritance Law according to the aforementioned critérium. The Inheritance Law is based on conceptions which can successfully serve the objectives of a highly balanced social policy. Its basic principles are based on some of the fundamental assumptions of the Yugoslav society in this phase of development of new social relations, while its provisions assessed both individually and in general indicate almost a complété convergence with the aspirations of life. Among the provisions which are exceptions to this Statement are the following: the inheritance position of children bom out-of-wedlock, the circle of legal heirs, the decrease of the spouse’s share, the inheritance position of relatives, the giving up to inheritance, the giving up of inheritance which is not open, etc. Inequality between children based on family origin is most thoroughly expressed through the right to inheritance. Children are punished for the »sin« of nature although they are perfectly innocent créatures from which society requires the same obligations and results it requires of legitimate children. This inequality should be entirely eliminated. The circle of relatives as legal bénéficiantes is so wide that one has the impression that it stems from the beginning of this Century. It should be narrowed. The propositions of Article 12 of the existing text, when applied, sometimes lead, to unfovourable results and this should also be avoided by a new formulation. The création of conditions which would givç fuller meaning to adoption cal] for a modification of provisions in this area. The question of the number and forms by which one can establish the Order of heairs in the last will also attracts attention. Finally it is necessary to repeal the provision according to which, in the agreement with the ancestor, an heir can give up the inheritance which would belong to him after the death of the ancestor. These are only some of the questions which call for more adéquate solutions. RÉSUMÉ Comment entreprendre l'organisation des rapports de droit de succession concernant la succession La question fondamentale que contient le titre de ce travail consiste dans la manière d’aborder le problème donné. Pour réaliser cette fin on peut suivre deux voies, à savoir: soit prendre le texte de la Loi sur les successions et, dans la mesure que les besoins sociaux l’imposent, rajeunir le texte par les dispositions nouvelles, soit abandonner le texte existant et entreprendre l’élaboration d’un nouveau texte. En examinant les raisons qui plaident en faveur de Time ou de l’autre solution on arrive à la conclusion que les raisons de beaucoup les plus importantes sont celles selon lesquelles il faudrait prendre comme point de départ le texte existant de la Loi sur les successions et procéder à sa modification d’après le critère ci-dessus mentionné. La Loi sur les successions est imprégnée de concepts qui peuvent servir efficacement aux buts d’une politique sociale fortement équilibrée. Ses principes fondamentaux reposent