Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu



остается возможность для ограниченного сроком и обусловленного права, существуют договоры имущественного найма, возможность возникновения одновременных или в порядке правопреемства прав на одном и том же недвижимом имуществе. В пределах, в которых у нас действует законы рынка, наше право скорее может найти инспирацию в римском, а не в англосаксонском праве (что отнюдь не означает, что не может находить и собственные оригинальные решения). Все же некоторые из новейших отношений после „промышленной революции”, прекрасно вписываются в древние феодальные институты (trust). Точно также нахождение в собственности жилых домов и квартир имеет схожие черты с real proterty англосаксонского права. И некоторые из новейших мер common law-a (урбанизм, планирование, борь ба с спекуляцией землей) могут послужить если не в качестве примера, то хотя бы в качестве инспирации. SUMMARY Roman and anglo-saxon concepts of ownership Although it first bore traces of collective ownership, and towards the end contained some feudal characteristics, classical Roman ownership extended absolute control over property, a concept which came into existence under the conditions of a market economy. This is expressed by the well-known words: plena in re potestas, although this »full power over things« was, nevertheless, depending on the specific conditions, restricted both for the sake of public interest and a neighobour’s interest. Anglo-Saxon law has developed without much influence from Roman law. Hence it expresses the essence of feudal relations better than Continental law. One quality, extent of the right to property, is contained in the notion of ternire and dénotés the kind of land holding. It déterminés the position of titulars in the feudal ladder starting from the bonded serf through the semi-free peasant, through knights to the »tenants in capite« who were granted property directly by the Crown. Another quality, estate, dénotés the duration of right and the possibility of disposai. An estate can be granted for a definite period of time, untü death or the fulfillment of some condition, or can even be inherited but without right to disposai of it. There also exists a permanent and transferable right (fee simple). At the begining of this Century reforms hâve reduced the suprême ownership of the king, i.e. the Government, to mere form, hâve abolished almost all feudal charges, and hâve expanded the right of disposai. In this way the Anglo-Saxon concept of ownership has essentially approached the Roman one. Still, there remains the possibility of property rights limited by time and conditioned; there exist factual legal leases and it is possible that one estate may hâve several simultaneous or successive rights. То the extent to which market laws exist in Yugoslavia our ownership law can find its inspiration in Roman rather than in Anglo-Saxon law (which of course does not mean that it cannot contain its own original characteristics). Still some of the most-recent relations of the post-industrial révolution hâve been nicely incorporated into ancient feudal Institutes (trust). Also the ownership of buildings and flats is to a certain extent similar to the real property of Anglo-Saxon law. And some new measures of common law (urbanism, planning, prévention of land spéculation) can serve, if not as a model, then at least as an inspiration.