Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu



SUMMARY Responsibility of state employees in Serbia in 19th and 20 th century Author describes the development of responsibilities of state employees in Serbia. He distinguishes four periods. First one during the First rebellion in Serbia (1804 —1813) during which employees are responsible according to the general regulations about liability, and therefore citizens had the right to present accusations against employees without a special approval. Second period, from the beggining of the Second rebellion in 1915. till the Constitution of 1838. during which employees are more the slaves of the prince, that state employees, their responsibility depended mainly from the will of the prince. Untili the Constitution of 1835. there was no ordinance about responsibility. Constitution introdices responsibility of employees according to the general regulations of liability. In the third period from the Constitution of 1838, untili Constitution of 1888. althought Constitution does not include special ordinances about responsibility of employees, it gave principally the right to citizens to protect their rights in the court. But, because of the protection of bureaucratic apparatus the administrative guarantee is introduced, in other words for the presentation of accusation against an employee it is necessary to get an approval from the competent state organ. This administrative guarantee is first introduced for magistrates and juridical staff, but by the Law about employees of 1861. it was applied to all other state employees. Apart from that, for accusation against employees a shorter time-limit is prescribed than according to the general regujusqu'à Constitution de 1838, les fonctionnaires sont plutôn les serviteurs du 1888. till the Constitution of 1921, is characteristic that administrative garantee for employees is abolished, but it was maintained for megistrates, and the shorter time-limit for the accusation against employees still remained. RÉSUMÉ La responsabilité des fonctionnaires publics en Serbie au XIXe et XX siècles L’auteur a exposé le développement de la responsabilité des fonctionnaires publics en Serbie. Il distingue quatre périodes. La première est celle de la Première insurrection de la Serbie allant de 1804 à 1813 dans laquelle les fonctionnaires sont responsables d’après les prescriptions générales relatives à la responsabilité, de sorte que les citoyens pouvaient présenter les plaintes contre les fonctionnaires sans aucune autorisation. Dans la deuxième période, à partir du commencement de la Deuxième insurrection en 1815 jusqu’à la Constitution de 1838, les fonctionnaires sont plutôt les serviteurs du prince que des fonctionnaires publics, leur responsabilité dépendait à l'origine de la volonté du prince. Jusqu’à la Constitution de 1835 il n’y avait pas de prescriptions relatives à la responsabilité. La Constitution a introduit la responsabilité des fonctionnaires d’après les règles générales relatives à la responsabilité. Dans la troisième période à partir de la Constitution de