Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu



данных судов определяется законами республик и краев. При рассмотрении дел эти суды применяют положения Закона о гражданском судопроизводстве, если они не противоречат закону и отвечают природе предмета спора. SUMMARY Courts of associated labour The Constitution of SFRY has introduced, beside regular courts as bodies of state power, the self-management courts as bodies of the unique system of self-management, equal in performing the judicial function. The right on self-management has, as a part of our legal system, required an adequate system of bodies with uniform principles of formation jurisdiction, composition ad procedure for the entire Yugoslav territory. That has been accomplished through establishment, directly by the Constitution, of courts of associated labour as a kind of self-management courts, and through determination of the principles for the formation, jurisdiction and procedure federal law. Courts of associated labour are autonomous and independent selfmanagement courts, i.e. not the bodies or the system of bodies of any socio-political community, or self-managing organization or community. They perform their function by deciding on disputes in the sphere of socio-economic ans other self-managing relations. Their function is to protect and promote self-management rights as unique system of norms on the entire Yugoslav territory. They are organized as courts of original jurisdiction on the territorial principle or voluntarily for certain fields of associated labour, and also as the supreme court in a republic or province which is simultaneously the appelate court. Supreme courts unify the judicial practice through their delegates and in the manner determined by compact. An appeal is allowed against any original decision for the period of 15 days, and in the case a decision went into effect it can be saught that the proceedings be resumed, or, in the cases where such decision replaces or supplements a compact, an action can be brought before the competent constitutional court for decisison on its legality. Decisions to be carried out are carried out by regular court in the executory procedure, and other decisions by municipal assebly by application of constitutional and statutory measures. The courts of original jurisdiction examine the legality of final decisions of internal arbitrations (which themselves are a kind of self-management courts) what shows the importance of courts of associated labour. Formation, composition, seat, jurisdiction and organization of these courts are determined, in compliance witht the law, by republican and provincial statutes. The provisions of the Law on litigation procedure are applied in the procedure before these courts in they are not contrary to the law and if they correspond to the nature of the subject of dispute. RÉSUMÉ Les tribunaux de travail associé La Constitution de la République Socialiste Fédérative de Yougoslavie a introduit outre les tribunaux, ordinaires, en tant qu'organes du pouvoir de TEtat, de même les tribunaux autogestionnaires en tant qu’organes du système unique de l’autogestion qui son égaux en droits dans l’exercice de la fonction judiciaife.