
BATSHEVA DANCE COMPANY The Batsheva Dance Company sesastoji od strasnih Ijudi ciji jezajednicki zadatak: da postignu sto vise u umetnosti i osnaze zajednicke ljudske vrednosti kroz moc stvaralastva. Umetnicki integritet i novatorstvo Batsheve doneli su ansamblu glasjedneod najinspirativnijih i najtrazenijih trupa - pravog predvodnika na planetarnoj mapi izvodackih umetnosti. Kao kompaktnoj i dinamicnoj organizaciji, Batshevi pljeskaju sirom sveta u najuglednijim pozoristima i festivalima, sa vise od 200 godisnjih predstava u Izraelu i inostranstvu. Buduci da je po svojoj prirodi medunarodna, Batshevu cine plesaci iz Izraela i inostranstva i svi su jedinstvene licnosti. Otkako su je 1964. godine osnovali Martha Graham i baronica Batsheva De Rotschild, Batsheva je postala jedan od najuticajnijih uzora u Izraelu. Imenovanje Ohada Naharina za umetnickog direktora 1990. godine oznacilo je pocetak novog doba za trupu. Naharinova vizija uzdigla je Batshevu na nove umetnicke visine i dónela joj pohvaie kriticara sirom sveta. Pod Naharinovim vodstvom nikli su novi talenti. Medu njima je Sharon Eyal koja je petnaest godina igrala u Batshevi i posluzila kao nadahnuce mnogim Naharinovim ostvarenjima. Ona je dañas jedan od najperspektivnijih mladih koreografa, s premijerama na vodecim medunarodnim festivalima. Naomi Bloch Fortis, dugogodisnja Naharinova saradnica, nastavlja da vodi Batshevu putem buducih izazova kao generalni direkter i ko-umetnicki direkter. BATSHEVA DANCE COMPANY The nucleus of Batsheva Dance Company consists of passionate people, with a common mission; to excel in art and to strengthen common human valúes through thè power of creativity. Batsheva's artistic intrepidity and Innovation, has earned thè company its reputation as one of thè most inspirational and sought after Companies- a true leader onthe global map of performing arts. A compact and dynamic Organization, Batsheva is applauded in thè most prestigious theaters and festivals, with over 200 performances a year in Israel and on the five continents. The company is international in nature, made up of individually unique dancers from Israel and abroad, Dancers are encouraged to affirm their distinct creative gifts, as creators on their own. Since its founding in 1964 by Martha Graham and Baroness Batsheva De Rothschild, Batsheva has become one of the most influential cultural role models in Israel.The appointment of Ohad Naharin as Artistic Director in 1990 launched Batsheva into a new era. Naharin used his artistic wisdom to assist Batsheva in reaching a mature independence which earned thè company praises from critics around the world. Natural talents bave evolved in thè processi Sharon Eyal has danced with Batsheva for fiftheen years and has been Naharin's inspiring force in many of his creations. She has become one of the most promising young choreographers, premiering at leading world festivals. Naomi Bloch Fortis, Naharin's longtime associate, continúes leading Batsheva through its future challenges, as its General Manager and Co-Artistic Director.