

Bitef & Jugoslovenska kinoteka present BITEF ON FILM

22 - 26 September 2008 Bitef on Film Editor: Vera Konjovic THE CHAPLINS, FAMILY STORY This year's program is dedicated to Charlie Chaplin's big artistic family. We want to remind the audience of all the Chaplins whom they watched and met on a movie screen, in theatre, in circus. Our intention is to introduce one of the youngest Chaplins, renowned and sought for around the world - Charlie's grandson James Thiérrée. THE CHAPLINS Charlie Chaplin's family: parents, brothers, marriages, children FATHER Charlie Chaplin barely knew his father Charles Spencer Chaplin, a music-hall singer in London. Charles senior died of alcoholism atthe age of 37 in 1901. MOTHER Chaplin's mother Hannah Hill joined the music-hall stage in London in 1885 following her marriage

In the last few days, Chaplin has been In Vienna... but it was too cold for him here, and he left again quickly. He is undoubtedly a great artist: certainly he always portrays one and the same figure; only the weakly poor, helpless, clumsy youngster for whom, however, things turn out well in the end. Now do you think for this role he has to forget about his own ego? On the contrary, he always plays only himself as he was In his dismal youth. He cannot get away from those Impressions and humiliations of that past period of his life. He Is, so to speak, an exceptionally simple and transparent case.

izfiina Carmen