
19. septembar, 20 h / September 19 th , 20 h Jugoslovensko dramsko pozorište / Yugoslav Drama Theatre Trajanje: 3 h 30 min / Duration: 3 h 30 min Dojčes teatar, Nemačka / Deutsches Theater, Germany UJKAVANJA / UNCLE VANYA Veliki nemački reditelj Jirgen Goš, koji je preminuo prošle godine, ostavio je u nasleđe svoje testamentarno tumačenje Čehovljeve drame UJka Vanja. Bitef ovom predstavom obeležava sto pedesetu godišnjicu rođenja klasika ruske literature. Publika Bitefa pamti Goša po predstavi Magbet, prikazanoj na 41. Bitefu 2007. godine. The great German director Jürgen Gosch who passed away last year, bequeathed to us his testamentary interpretation of Chekhov's play Uncle Vanya. With this production, Bitef marks the 150th anniversary of the birth of the Russian literary classic. Bitef spectators will remember Gosch's Macbeth shown during the 41st Bitef in 2007. 20. septembar, 20 h / September 20 th , 20 h Malo pozorište„Duško Radovi Ć" / Little Theater"Duško Radović" Trajanje; 40 min / Duration: 40 min STANICA servis za savremeni pies, Srbija / STATION service for contemporary dance, Serbia KO Bl HTEO MAMU KAO MOJU / WHO WOULD WANT A MOM LIKE MINE Koreografkinja i igračica Dalija Aćin ne prestaje da traga za novim temama. Predstava Ко bi hteo mamu kao moju je njena autobiografska multimedijalna ispovest na osnovu snimaka njene devetogodišnje kćerke, dokumentarnog videa iz njene svakodnevice sa ćerkom i njene igre, kao paralelnog javnog života. The choreographer and dancer Dalija Aćin never tires of looking for new subjects. Who Would Want a Mom like Mine is her autobiographical multimedia narrative based on recordings of her nine-yearold daughter, a documentary video showing her daily routine with her daughter and her parallel public life.