
17. September, 20 h / September 1 7 th , 20 h Jugoslovensko dramsko pozorište / Yugoslav Drama Theatre Trajanje: 2 h / Duration: 2 h Jan Lauers i Nidkompani, Beigija / Jan Lauwers and Needcompany, Belgium KUĆA JELENA /THE DEER HOUSE Treći deo dramske trilogije Jana Lauersa inspirisan je pogibijom ratnog izveštača Kerema, brata Tijen Loton, članice Nidkompanije u ratmm sukobima na Kosovu. Predstavu karakteriše emocija umetnika pred nemogućnošću da utiču na tokove istorije i njena tragična zbivanja. Predstava se ne bavi faktografijom rata, već slikom apsurda koji čovečanstvo stoledma ponavlja. The third part of Jan Lauwers's trilogy draws its inspiration from the violent death of war reporter Kerem, brother of Needcompany's Tijen Lawton, during the armed conflict in Kosovo. The production revolves round the artist's emotion in the face of the impossibility to influence history and its tragic developments. This play is not about the facts of war; rather, it portrays the absurd, which the humanity continues to repeat century after century. 18. i 19. septembar, 20 h / September 18 th and 19 th , 20 h Pozorište na Terazijama / Terazije Theatre Trajanje: 1 h / Duration: 1 h Kompanija Virđilijo Sijeni, Italija / Compagnia Virgiiio Sieni, Italy TUŽNI TROPI / TRISTES TROPIQUES Kamen-temeljac savremene antropologije Tužni tropl poslužio je kao inspiracija italijanskom koreografu Virđiliju Sijeniju da Levi-Strosov doživljaj izvornih kultura takozvanih primitivnih naroda prevede u znakove svoje tanane umetnosti о suštini čovekovog postojanja i njegove nedeljive umetnosti od praistorije do danas. Tristes tropiques, the corner-stone of modern anthropology, served as the inspiration for the Italian choreographer Virgiiio Sieni who translated Lévi-Strauss's perception of original cultures of socalled primitive peoples into signs of his subtle art about the essence of man's existence and his inseparable art from pre-historical times to this day.