Greatness of Shiva : Mahimnastava of Pushpadanta with commentary





Oh Brahman! Thy hymn which is the supreme nectar,

Is wonderful to the Guru of Devas 1

The creator of sweet words.

Oh destroyer of Tripura *

My mind is bent upon invoking Thee

That I may purify my speech by the recital of Thy attributes. #

Thy power it is of which the Vedas speak,

Displayed in threefold form according to distinction of qualities +

It creates, maintains and destroys the universe ®

And yet oh Giver of Blessings !

the Brahmasvaripa or Divine Nature, as It is in Itself transcends though manifesting Itself through them (Trishati Comm. II 24.)

We know enough to affirm the existence of the Self though as long as we are phenomenal Jivas we can neither realise Its Nature nor describe It by words which are merely instruments of that dualistic experience which the divine Nature by its definition transcends. As the Brahman’s real self or nature (svaripa) is indescribable Puskpadanta prays to Him as with form (sakara).

1 Vrzhaspati.

2 Shiva who is so called, as some say, because he was the destroyer of the Asura (Demonic Spirit) Tripura or more correctly because He destroyed the Tripura or three cities of the Asuras, Kamalaksha, Tarakakska and Vidyunmali.

3 So in the hymn to Bhuvaneshvari in the Tantrasara it is said, “Oh Mother by hymning Thy praise I purify my speech.”

4 That is the three Gumas, Sattva, Rajas, and Tamas the qualities of manifestation, action, and veiling.

5 The Rajoguza prevails in creation, the Sattvaguva in mainteaance and the Tamogumza in dissolution. Through His three bodies, Brahma, Vismu and Rudra He creates, maintains and destroys,

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