Greatness of Shiva : Mahimnastava of Pushpadanta with commentary

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There be some fools? who would oppose Thee

In ways pleasing to the bad but hateful to the good.


5 They ask such questions as :—

That Creator of yours why and how does He create the three worlds?

What form does He assume ?*

1 According to the commentator, Jagannatha Chakravarti, (cited as J. C.) the Mimangsakas (Nastika Mimangsaka) who attribute all action to the power of Karma are here referred to. As the Commentator on the Trishati says “ Adrvishta is the cause which gives fruits appearing in the future, of past acts. This is the opinion of the “Lordless” Mimangsa, Kritanang karmawang kalantara bhaviphala pradane adrzshtam karazam iti, anishvara mimangsakadimatam;:” to which he replies “not so because Advzsh¢a which is an unconscious thing is not to be understood as giving fruit of action which is done by intelligence only” (Jadanang suksimanang advzshtanang chetanadharma karmaphala pradanasamarthyayogat) Adrzshéa is instrumental cause (Nimitta karaza), There is however a conscious Director of Karma who gives fruit according to Advishta and He is God.

2 Such men (the Pratyakshavadins) talk in terms of human action which they alone see, know and recognise. In such case it is said that there is first Ish¢asadhanatajzanam “purpose-serving knowledge” that is knowledge that the proposed act will serve the intention ; secondly Pravrztti or tendency to action; and thirdly K»ztisadhyatvajnanam “effortaccomplishable knowledge” or the consideration whether it can be done which is followed by action. It is objected if He has not Pravr7tti and so forth: How can he create (J. C.) the three worlds that is Bhas, Bhuvah and Svarloka,

3 For possession of body is asserted to be necessary for action and at Pralaya (dissolution) body disappears and according to the objector only atomic substance (Paramanu) remains (J, C.)