Jugoslovenski Rotar

Obično rotar izražava svoju privrženost idealu služenja na četiri načina: Prvo, svojim služenjem u klubu kojemu pripada. Pre svega mora služiti time, da je prisutan na sastancima, kako bi mogao ostati u dodiru sa svojim drugovima rotarima. Ovo iziskuje od njega, da ulaže svoje vreme. Osim toga mora da saradjuje u drugarstvu, u programima i u izmenjivanju misli u radu odbora.

Sledeća prilika, koja mu se pruža, da pokaže svoju odanost idealu služenja, je njegov posao ili njegova profesija. Mora da ih smatra ne samo kao priliku za zaradu novca, nego ı kao veću priliku, da služi ljudskom društvu. Pomisao na to, da diže nivo ljudskog savršenstva time što služi čovečanstvu putem svoga posla ili zvanja, treba da mu je ı nadahnuće i potstrek.

Treća prilika za služenje, koja mu se pruža, leži u njegovoJ opštini — u okolini ili u gradu, u kojem Živi ili vrši svoj posao. Tamo ima toliko mogućnosti, da pojedinac bude koristan član zajednice, kolikogod ima ljudskih bića i njihovih udruženja u njegovoj neposrednoj blizini. Nekome treba njegova pomoć, drugog opet treba ohrabriti ili podupreti ga.

Četvrta prilika sastoji se u saznanju, da je svet ı u drugim zemljama dobar i da je ljudima sa one strane granice ili preko mora ili na protivnoj strani zemaljske kugle stalo do toga, da stvore od ove planete bolje mesto za Život ı zgodnije mesto, da se na njoj zaradjuje za svoj život. Tako mi pružimo svoju ruku, da dodjemo sa njima u dodir, te da stvorimo poznanstva, koja se razvijaju u mcedjunarodno prijateljstvo.

To su ona četiri puta, po kojima kao rotari nastojimo da pokažemo svoju odanost idealu služenja, te time unapredjujemo 1 роmažemo medjusobno razumevanje, dobro raspoloženje i mir medju narodima.


Teritorij bivše Bosne i Hercegovine obiluje mnogim vodenim snagama. Na rekaai.. 1 potocima nalazimo bezbroj većih i ma'ijih slapova-katarakta. Zdrav razum i smisao

Ordinarily a Rotarian expresses his adherence to this ideal of service in four ways: First, by his service in the club to which he belongs. To begin with, he must give service by being present at the meetings to contact with his fellow Rotarians. That calls for a contribution of his time. Then he must join in the fellowship, participate in the programs and in the exchange of ideas and in the committee work.

Next is his opportunity to manifest his adherence to the ideal of seryice in his business or profession. He must conceive of it as not merely an opportunity to make money, but as the greater opportunity to serve cociety. He should be inspired and encouraged by the thought that by rendering service, to mankind through his business or profession, he is helping to lift the level of human achievements. The third opportunity that comes to him for service is in his community — the neighborhood or city in which he lives or transacts business. There are as many possibilities for a man to be a helpful member of his community as there are human beings and organizations of them in his immediate vicinity. Someone needs his help, his encouragement, his support.

His fourth opportunity is a realization that the people of other countries are good people and that the men across the boundary line or over the waters or around on the other side of the earth are interested in making this world a better place to live in and a better place in which to make a living. So we are reaching out to contact with them and establish en acquaintanceship which develops into international friendship.

Those are the four ways in which, as Rotarians, we try to manifest our adherence to the ideal of service, and thereby foster and encourage understanding, goodwill, and international peace.


The territory of the former Bosnia and Hercegovina is full of water power. On the rivers and brooks we find numerous bigger and smaller waterfalls and cataracts. Sound