Jugoslovenski Rotar

Spiro Bocarić, R.C. Banja Luka. VRBASKA BANOVINA

I ako Bosanska Krajina zauzimlje u državi centralni položaj, ona je istodobno prag ı vrata izmedju istoka ı zapada. Njezin geografski položaj 1 istorijski razvitak dali su J odlike.

šumama, rudama, lovom, ribolovom ı ljeko-

јој naročite Ona je romantična; vitim izvorima vrlo bogata, a etnografski sviježa ı bujna.

Njezin istorijski tok može se u glavnom razdijeliti u tri periode; preistorijski, rimski i Južnoslovenski.

Počstak prvog doba nije moguće ni približno odrediti, dok mu konac možemo staviti u treći vijek prije Hrista kad nastupa rimsko doba, koje traje do iza šestog

Spiro Bocarić, R.C. Banja Luka.


Although the Banate (Province) of Vrbas occupies a central position in Jugoslavia, it is at the same time the threshold and the gate between the East and the West. Its geographical position and historical development gaye it particular distinctions. It is romantic, rich in mines and forests, in game, fish and mineral waters, fresh and interesting from the ethnographical standpoint.

Its historical development may be divided mainly into three periods: the pre-historical, the Roman and the Jugoslay period.

The beginning of the first period it is not

possible to fix even approximately, whilst its end may fall into the third century before Christ, when the Roman era begins

vijeka posle Hrista, a ostalo je, trinaest vijekova, južnoslavensko. Ali na ovoj teritoriji uvijek su se sukobljavale razne političke sile i vjerske kulture, pa su ostavljale duboke tragove u zemlji ı narodu. Mnogi slučajni nalazi, koje je otkrio naš najveći arheologseljak, i nekoliko naučnih iskopavanja, Које su u zadnje vrijeme činjeni, dali su za opštu nauku ı nacionalnu kulturo dragocjeni materijal, pa se za ove zemlje može slobodno reći, da Je sama pisala svoju istoriju.

Bosansko kraljevstvo nije bilo duga vijeka (94 god.). Uvijek su bili u borbi protiv nasrtljivih Madjara, pa kad su još ı Turci navalili, lako su došli do glave kralja Stjepana Tomagevica (1463).

which lasts to the sixth century after Crist, and the remaining thirteen centuries represent the Jugoslav period. But on this territory there were always clashing various political forces and religious cultures, leaving deep traces in the country as well as in the people. Many accidental discoveries, made by our greatest archeologist — the peasant, and some scientific excavations undertaken recently, have furnished very precious material for general erudition as well as for the Jugoslay national culture, and one may rightly say for this territory that it wrote its own history.

The Kingdom of Bosnia did not last long (94 years). At all times they had to f-ght