RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

Radio-Ljubljana, which now has three programs, started broadcasting in 1928. First Program is broadcasted from 0.00 to 24.00 daily except Mondays, when there is no evening program. It is universal In character: it broadcasts a great number of cultural and general education programs, entertainment and special shows of broad public interest, and it devotes special attention to the function of information dissemination, The music program presents a wide variety of Yugoslav and foreign composers. Second Program is on from 19.00 to 24.00 and treats current afairs in Yugoslavia and the world, the accent being on culture, art, experimental work and a program of modern and classical music. Most of the programs аге broadcasted in stereo. Television Ljubijana, which started operations in 1957, transmits its own First Program while the Second Program broadcasts shows from the other Yugoslav television centers. First Program is on from 17.00 to 23.30 and features morning and early afternoon special school programs. This program is highly representative: besides the informative shows, it transmits a great number of documentaries, serials, ”live” talk shows about current issues in the society, television dramas, concerts, ballets and movies. In the afternoons, special educational programs for children and abolescents are shown. Besides its own production, which is growing every уеаг, Television Ljubljana receives programs from the other Yugoslav television centers as well as selected foreign programs. For the needs of its own production, Radio-Television Ljubljana has different vocal and instrumental groups. Besides its internal publications, Radio-Television Ljubljana publishes a specialized bulletin Service for Program Study, on its own research and development. Three regional stations, Maribor, Murska Subota and Radio-Television Koper-Capodistria, which operate on the territory of the Socialist Republic of Slovenia are a significant factor in informing a multinational public.