RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

Radio - Television Priština Radio-Television Priština is the home station of the Socialists Autonomous Province of Kosovo in the Socialist Republic of Serbia. Technical Base MW transmitters 6 118,000 USW transmitters 5 11,000 TV transmitters 2 25,000 TV converters 12 0.368 Radio-Priština was founded in 1945 and now has two radio programs. First Program is on from 05.00 to 24.00 daily. It is of an informative, educational, cultural and entertainment character. Second Program is on from 13.00 to 18.00 daily, Its principal purpose is to offer the listener brief information along with various entertainment shows. Both of these programs аге broadcasted in the Albanian, Serbo-Croatian and Turkish languages, Television Priština came onstream in 1975. Its daily program is broadcasted for 3.5-4 hours. Of the total of its programs, 60% are produced nationally. Television Priština, in light of the national structure of the population which it serves, broadcasts its programs in three languages: Albanian, Serbo-Croatian and Turkish. The greater part of the program is broadcasted in Albanian as 75% of the population of the Socialist Autonomous Province of Kosovo are of Albanian nationality. Radio-Television Priština has a music department whose ensembles provide a music program for radio and television. There are two folklore orchestras and several vocal solists and interpreters of Kosovo’s national melodies. Also, Radio-Television Priština has a popular music group as well as a symphony orchestra which holds concerts and records music by Yugoslav and Kosovo composers.