RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

Radio - Television Sarajevo Radio-Television Sarajevo is the home station of the Sodalist Republic of Bosnia and Hercegovina. Technical Base MW transmitters 51 760 USW transmitters 34 250 TV transmitters 12 2,402 TV converters 84 39 Radio-Sarajevo initiated its broadcasting program in 1945 and today it has four programs. First Program is broadcasted daily from 05.00 to 00.1. The program is universal in character and intended for the broad listening audience. It presents a wide range of topics: informative-political, reviews, all types of music, scientific, artistic, educational and specialized programs for children and adolescents, commercials, etc. Along with the sources of information provided by news agencies, the First Program conducts a daily exchange of program material with all the radio stations in the country, and it has an independent network of correspondents in all the 106 communes and larger work organizations in the Republic. Second Program is broadcasted daily from 12.00 to 20.00 except Sundays. It was started in October 1975 as a jomt program of all the radio stations in Bosnia and Hercegovma and serves an integrative function. Part of the program, lastmg 120 minutes, is broadcasted by all the local stations. Third Program is broadcasted daily except Sundays from 20.00 to 23.30 on the transmission network of the Joint Program (II). It was initiated in April 1973 as a program devoted to science and the arts. It promotes political pracbce and journalism, scientific thought and its apphcation, and artistic creativity and its critical assessment. The program also publishes a magazine called ’Third Program. Saraievo 202 is broadcasted daily except Sundays from 12.00 to 18.00. It was founded in 1971 for the Sarajevo hstenmg audience. This program provides an abundance of audience-contact and talk shows as well as popular and folk music which are especially appealing to the younger hsteners.