RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

Television Sarajevo began working on its own program in 1961 and started broadcasting from its own studio in 1969. Both of its programs comprise a uniform entity of ideas and contents, complementing each other while developing individual means of expression. Television Sarajevo’s two channels broadcast 50,023 minutes of its own production and about 23.000 minutes of foreign programs, especially those from the non-aligned and developing countries which are transmitted by the Yugoslav Radio and Television network. Daiiy broadcasting time is about 10 hours, of which 3 hours саггу the program’s own productions. In addition to the daily informative shows, it offers the public comprehensive documentaries, musical entertainment, feature films, sports events, educational programs as well as shows for children and adolescents. The Musical Department of Radio-Television Sarajevo, which has tamburitza, folk, dance and symphony orchestras as well as a radio choir, enriches the store of radio and television music with Yugoslav and foreign repertories and is a moving force in the organization of the Republic’s musical life. Radio - Television Skopje Radio-Television Skopje is the national institution of Yugoslavia’s southernmost republic, Macedonia. Technicai Base MW transmitters 16 1,209.0 USW transmitters 6 6,6 TV transmitters 8 63.6 TV converters 54 13.1 The first radio program was broadcasted in December 1944 in the Macedonian language, which had been prohibited until then by unfriendly and Fascist governments. The first television program in the Macedonian language was broadcasted in Мау 1961 while broadcasting from its own studio started in 1964 (less than a full уеаг after a catastrophic earthquake razed the City of Skopje), The unselfish help and solidarity shown by all the Yugoslav nations and nationalities