RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue, 01. 01. 1983., S. 133

theie is Visual Sequen.ce - Alice’s Magic Mirror, composed of short pieces and an unusually eloquent ’photo-essay‘. Those of our readers who read the interview with Kalezič published by Zoran Sekulić in NIN on 7 Januarv 1979 will probablv make sure thev get a сору of this book. In that interview Kaiezič said: ”...Гт not doing much to change anything in telelvision, because апуопе who wants to do wonders [Television Wonder ( Televizijsko čudo) is the title of a brochure written by a group of authors and published by NIP Politika, in a circulation of 25,000 copies in the first edition in 1978 - writer’s note] turns out weird, not to mention something even worse. I just have the impression that some of the theoretical knowledge I have arrived at does not seem necessary for on-going television practice... After all, don’t be sure that television wants to change itself at a 11... In that агеа now, it can be said, everybody picks the position that suits him best, in line with his particular power in the management structure.” While the printing ink was drying on the text of this intemew something, it seems, had begun to happen in and around Belgrade Television. M.