RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

recorded these past few years. It has been characterized by endeavours to improve information activities in the non-aligned countries and to increase cooperation in this sphere within the movement At the same time the movement has acted in a more organized manner with regard to these matters in the United Nations Organization and its specialized agencies. The outcome of these activities may be considered to be the chapter of the Final D eclaration of the S ixth C onference of of Heads of State or Government of the NonAligned Countries which sets out the movemenfs option for cooperation in the field of information and the mass communication media. I will read the first two paragraphs of that chapten ”261. The Conference notes with satisfaction the significant success achieved in promoting cooperation in the field of information and mass communication amongst the non-aligned countries and the successful implementation of the recommendations and decisions of the F ourth and F ifth S ummits.” • i i ”262. TheConference with satisfaction takes note that the non-aligned and other developing countries have made substantial progress towards the emancipation and development of national information media, and emphasizes that cooperation in the field of information is an integral part of the struggle of the non-aligned and other developing countries for the creation of new international relations as a whole and especiallv the new international information order. Relving in this on their own strength, through solidaritv and mutual assistance, the non-aligned countries have taken and are taking important steps in developing their own svstems of information and public information media in order to attain greater autonomv, the affirmation of national sources of information and the capability to take active part in international communication and cooperation on the broad international plane.” I would also like to recall that the HavanaConference ratified as its own document the Resolution on Cooperation and the Activities of the NonAligned Countries in theSphere of Information which had been adopted by the I ntergovernmental C ooperation C ouncil