RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

of the directions in further conceptions and production of documentar-y drama, It is necessary to take into account experience of other centers, in which documentarv radio-drama is more cherished and more svstematicallv directed. F ог exampie, Radio Zagreb has some verv meaningful e.\periences in the domain of documentarv radio-drama as it has been researching thoroughlv and enriching this tvpe of drama programme for more than ten vears During the period of about twentv vears, programme and production experience have been gathered coming from various fields: from the domain of radio theatre intervention, from the e.\pansive procedure of radio-drama development, from Third programme and other experiments, from historical, documentarv and similar programmes. This large and various e.\perience looks for full critical judgment, enters a gathering point and also repuires, inter alia, a dimension of new penetrabilitv. If the development of original radio-drama meant overcoming of the first ”sound barrier” in the development of radio plav, then a programme and aesthetic synthesis of those phenomena which had occurred together with classic radio-drama, as well as its simultaneous acknowledgement and negation, could be denoted as a situation in front of the second ”sound barrier”. This could be a more tota! chance for radiophonic art This chance would be less subordinated to theatre and literarv paradigms. It would discover even more the aesthetic possibilities and specific characteristics of happenings in the acoustic space. Todav, Radio Beograd has about 150 drama premieres a уеаг within the frame of 12 regular programmes. The experience of two decades includes exceptional repertoire and performing works. Numerous Y ugoslav and some international prizes prove this Some special experiments were effected, too, especiallv in the researches of aesthetic sound values and poetic transpositions, in coping witli stereo technipue, etc. New possibilities and expectations аге based on these important experiences.