RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

Drama zvorkshop, a kind of drama studio within theDrama programme, should continue research and experimental projects. It should also proviđe more space and time for such undertakings and enable fragmentary experiences to be come permanent and vocational. As it always happens when creative committments аге in question, a way from an idea to its realization, from general ideas to concrete achieveraents is very long and uncertain. Thus, only wishes and attempts to find out a new and stronger stimulus in accumulated experience, can be discussed at this momenl; to prepare a new styie of work, to remove the working situation from drama reports and producebs tasks as far as possible in order to make conditions for creative collective committment and more meaningful researches, What is the meaning of the mentioned work project? Even original radio-drama inherited the classical, theatre division of labour, with some technical modifications: a writer gives a radio-drama literary form, a dramaturge reads, grades and sometimes edits it together with its author, a producer does his part of work, a sound engineer conducts the technical process of work, music editor chooses and orders suitable music. This inherited working tape is highly professional, but it has also divided the process of work into isolated and specialized tasks. As there is a large scone of radio-drama uroduction these manners became bad habits, the process of work is formalized and approached the routine production. Orientation to projects should exclude or at least decrease dangers of this stereotyped way of work. Namely, a project should reject the old division of labour and provide the unity of working process, from its idea to production, Therefore, a project means collective, team work, a permanent, creative and productive cooperation of the whole team. Preparation of a project starts from a certain idea. The starting point of this idea can be a real event or a literary form. During the work, this idea is developed, supplemented and changed, checked in the prepared material, regardless whether it had been broadcasted in the studio or апу other place; sound montage and stereo technique provide polyphonic combinations, parallelism