Shakti and Shâkta : essays and addresses on the Shâkta Tantrashâstra


a woman. When a learned Lama is asked why the terms of sex are used they say it is to symbolise Thabs and Shes which it is not possible to further explain here).

“The Matam Rutra, which is clinging to the body as

‘I’ will be dispelled

“All forms of worldly happiness and pain, the Egoism

of Speech (Akar Rutra).

“ Will be destroyed.

“ The saying ‘ this is mine’ of anything,

“The mental ‘I’° (or Khatram-Rutra) is freed.

“The true nature and distinguishing attributes of a


“Which is manifest outwardly, exists inwardly, and

lies hidden secretly.

“Tn short all the fifty-eight Rutras, with their hosts

will be destroyed completely.

([ have already dealt with the meaning of the term, Rutra. Here the Egoisms of body, feelings, mind are referred to, The Glorious One, will eradicate the physical and all other Rutras, the monster of the self in all its forms gross, subtle and causal).

“The world though deprived of happiness will rejoice


“The world will be filled with the Precious Dharma of

the Tri-Ratna.

“The Righteous Faith has not declined, nor has it

passed away.

(Thus did the Regent of the Tushita Heavens prophesy the advent of the Tantrik method for the complete destruction and the elimination of the demon of “ Egotism ” from the nature of the devotees on the path by means of Jordrol). After uttering these prophecies he passed away and took re-birth in the womb of Queen MAyA Devt. Then the Arch-demon having subjugated all the Devas of the thirtythird and the Tushita Heavens, appointed the two Demons
