Shakti and Shâkta : essays and addresses on the Shâkta Tantrashâstra


Sama-Vidhana Brdhmana, we have the almost complete form of a Devi who is called at the present day by the name of Kili. Another Devi whose worship is very popular at the present day is Durga, who has a lion for her carrier. It will have been observed, that Vach turned herself into a lion, and after earnest solicitations went over to the Devas; and therefore, Vach and the lion are identically the same. We have already given references which show that Vach and Durga were the same; and these facts explain how Durga has a lion to carry her. The worship of Ritri is to be performed at night and therefore the worship of Kali must be a night performance; and therefore, must partake of all the features of a night performance; and these elements must be sought for in the Vaidik Atiritra. The Atiratra is a performance of three Paryyayas or rounds of four Stotras and Shastras in each and at the end of each libations are offered, followed by drinking of Soma. The same rules and practices as in the Atiratra are substantially followed in the worship of the Devi Kali, bkhang being very largely used under the name of Vijaya and Amrita. It will be remembered that the Devi of the Atiratra is Sarasvati. The principal male Devata of the Tantras is Mahadeva named also Shiva, Mahesha, Shambhu, Soma and also in a different aspect Rudra. Rudra and Mahadeva are admittedly Vaidik gods. Rudra is described as having bows and arrows and has hundred heads and thousand eyes (S.B.1V.1.1.6; Yajur Veda III. 27). Mahadeva is Mahan devah, the great God (S.B. VI. 1. 3. 16). It appears that the Mantras of the different aspects of Mahadeva, which are even now used by Tantrikas, were known and used by the Vaidik people. I cannot, however, trace the name Mahesha in Vaidik literature. Shiva can be identified with Rudra Susheva, who is a kind god (S.B.V. 4. 4. 12). Mahadeva (Soma) is clad in a tiger skin which can be traced in Vaidik literature (S. B. V. 3.5.3; V. 4.1.11) Rudra is black, in the Tantras as well as in the Vedas. He is the same as Manyu with a Devi on each side of him (S.B. 1X. 1.1.6; Xi. 6.1.12 and 13). In this connection, we must not fail to note some of the attributes of Vaidik Nirritti. Nirritti is black and is a terrible Devi and punishes those who do not offer Soma to her. Sheis the Devi of misfortunes and removes

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