Shakti and Shâkta : essays and addresses on the Shâkta Tantrashâstra


all misfortune. She is the genetrix and she is fond of the cremation ground (S.B. VII. 2.1; A.B. IV. 2. 4).

The Tantras direct the worship also of Ganesha, Kartika and Vishnu, for whose worship the SAma-Vidhina-Brahmana prescribes the singing of certain Samans. known as the Vinayaka Samhita, (S. V. 4. V. 3, 3. Skanda-Samhita (S. V. 3. 2.1, 4) and the Vishnu-Samhita (S. V. 3. 1. 3. 9) respectively.

The Tantras also direct the use of certain figures which are called Yantras. These may be of various kinds and forms and may be used for various purposes. One of these which is constantly used, is a triangle within a square (M.N.T. Chap. V) and this can be tracted to the rules for the preparation of the Agnikshetra, or the Fire Altar of the Vaidik people, (S.B. VI. 1. 1. 6). Another curious circumstance in connection with the altar is, that both in the Vaidik and the Tantrik ritual, the heads of five animals are used in its preparation (S.B. VI. 21. 5-8). The worship of the Lingam is foreshadowed by the Vaidik deity Vishun Sipivishta (R. V. VII. 1001. ete. Nirukta V 2. 2) and the serpent which twines round Devas or Devis is foreshadowed by the Sarparajni, the Serpent Queen (S.B. IV. 6.9.17) who is the same as Vach-

The facts collected here will, it is hoped, enable impartial readers to come to a definite conclusion as to the relationship of the Vaidik to the Tintrik ritual.