The great pyramid passages and chambers

Death (continued), swallowed up in victory, 64. Second, 70, 204. Debris on outside masonry courses of Gt. Pyr., 343, 348, 349. Delta of Lower Egypt, 1, 13, 245. Deluge, 33, 151. Descending Passage, basement-sheet of, 337. beautiful workmanship of, 338. Col. Howard Vyse describes, 242. continuous floor-measurement for first time, 287, 288. Davison describes, 241, 545. debris removed from, by Judah, 235, 237-239, 277, 555. debris removed from, by M. Caviglia, 241, 242, 544. debris removed from, by Mr, Covington, 235. debris removed from, by Prof. Petrie, 243. description of, 90-92, 144, 145, 282. description of lower flat terminus of, 289-293. granite blocks on floor of, 555. length of, 144, 237. light entering, 318. lower reach of, closed by iron grilldoor, 283. lowes reach of, not measured by Prof. Smyth, 242, 285. measured by Col, Howard Vyse, and Prof. Petrie, 285, 286. Mr. Covington’s method of removing debris from, 236, 238. never so thoroughly clear of debris as now, 243. older operators unaware of lower reach of, 545. rock-cut part of, first completed,549 symbolizes downward course of “this present evil world,” 119, 122, 146-159, 282, p. 76.

symbolizes Plane of Condemnation, 182, 188, 201. the impertance of carefully

measuring the, 244. vertical height of, 587. very difficult to walk down, 284. wonderful straightness of, 317. Diagonal length of base of Gt. Pyr., 15, 25. Diet, 368. Dinner, 279, 310. Diodorus, 254. Dispensation, end of Law, and beginning of Gospel, 167. First, 33, 151. Second, 34, 152, 159. Divine Nature, 133. attained by those who gain the Kingdom, 52. belongs to the true Church, 163. given to faithful among Israel, 170, spirit-begotten are reckoned by God as partakers of the, 194.


Divine Nature (continued), symbolized by King’s Ch., 136, 141, 178, pp. 71, 93.

Dixon, Waynman, 9, 142, 461, 593.

Doctrines of Devils, 379.

Donkey-boy, 256.

Donkeys, 396, 423, 506.

Door, iron grill-, closing lower reach of Desc. Pass., 91, 237, 283, 331, 554.

swinging stone-, closing Pyrs., 231, 251.

Doorway of :—

each Chamber in Gt. Pyr., 116.

Grotto, 540, 542.

Hor. Pass. leading to Queen's Ch., 579, 586.

passages from Subt. Ch., 306, 307.

small pass. leading to King’s Ch., 492.

Doubts, 188.

Dragoman, 376.

Drill-holes, 553, 554, 561.

Drills, 500, 501, 561.

Drawing of :—

First Ascen. Pass., 429, 432. north wall of Gr. Gallery, 575. upper mouth of Well, 531.

Dynasty, 403, 561.

Dysentery, 360.

Ears to hear, 197, 232. Earnest (Pledge) of future inheritance, 194. Earth, abideth for ever, 159. Axis of, 20. desolations made in the, 175. distance from sun, 22. Gt. Pyr. in centre of, 14. to become man’s inheritance, 70, 140. to be devoured by fire of God's jealousy, 159. Earthquakes, 84, 115. East, changes not, 359. mode of burial in the, 407. morning best time to travel in the, 410. Eastern life, 354. Egypt, invaded by Hyksos, 4, 5. Jacob enters, 35. Jewish nation delivered from, 36, 161. soil of, 457. symbolizes ‘this present world,” 160, 383, 457. Egyptians, afraid of Israelites, 35. detested their invaders, 4. forced to build Gt. Pyr., 5, 6, 75. mechanical skill of, 501, 508. must have rejoiced when headstone of Gt. Pyr. was placed in position, 81. use of cement by, 504. use of tubular drills by, 500, 501, 561. Egyptologists, 501, 502, 504.


Electric-light, 341. Elijah, 373. Entrance, of Great Pyramid, angle-stones above, 229. cannot be seen from ground below, 229. Col. Howard Vyse’s search for a south, 522. exact location of, lost, 96, 231. fine workmanship displayed in, 338. footpath up to, 339, 340. light shining down, 146, 348. originally closed by stone door, 231, 251. position of, 90, 144. visitors afraid to proceed down, 106. of Second Pyramid, discovery of Lower, 228, 250. discovery of Upper, 250, 251. of Third Pyramid, abandoned upper, 253. photographed, 255. search for, 252. of south Pyr. of Dashur, 231. of Step Pyr. of Sakkara, 512. Equinoxes, 24, 25. Eternal torment, 29, 379, 449. Eusebius, 380. Eva Edgar, 210. Evil (See Present Evil World), angels become contaminated with, 151. God's wrath kindled against, 159. so long as permitted, downward course must continue, 154. world unable to discern, 150. Evolution, 502, 504. Excavations, along course of King’s Ch. north air-channel, 344, 345, 474. at back of Niche in Queen's Ch.,, 588, 590. at upper end of Well-shaft, 538. clearing out debris from Desc. Pass., 235. clearing out fissure in front of Gt. Pyr., 228. clearing out Subt. Ch., 235, 295, 296. in search for Entrance of 2nd Pyr., 250. in the interior of the 3rd Pyr., 252. large vertical shaft in the Subt. Ch., 296, 297. of first Pyr., south of Gizeh group, 509, 510. on south side of Gt. Pyr., 522 round all the Pyrs. of Egypt, 518. to Chs. of Constr., 111, 112. uncovering casing-stones of Gt. Pyr., 85, 223-226, under step in floor of Hor. Pass. to Queen's Ch., 585. under floor of King’s Ch., 498.