The great pyramid passages and chambers

Tree, cursed hangeth on a, 167. olive, 446. Trial, one hundred years’, 67. Trial Passages, 520, 590, 591. Trouble, great time of, 62, 64, 83. hope beyond the, 172. symbolized by drop in Hor. Pass., 174. symbolized by Subt. Ch., 304. Turkish Constitution, 353, 370, 390, 444. Twilight, 339. Tyropeon Valley, 395, 397, 422.

United States of America, 437.

Viceroy’s residence, 471.

Virgins, wise and foolish, 59.

Visitors, to the interior of Gt. Pyr., 106, 161, 165, 169, 174, 186, 190, 205, 233, 435, 436, 439, 469, 494, 596.

to the Pyrs., 526.

Vyse, Col. Howard, (See Quoted), 82, 85, 111, 213, 228, 242, 248, 250, 252, 253, 296, 298, 343, 483.

Wages, 240. Wailing-place, 394. Wainscots, 479, 481-489. Waiter, (See Sayd), 256. Walls of :Ante-Ch., 477, 479, 481, 492. Desc. Pass., 337, 338. First Ascen. Pass., 460-470. Gr. Gallery, 103, 107, 206-209, 576-578. Grotto, 541. Hor. Pass. to Queen's Ch., 583, 584. Jerusalem, 421. King’s Ch., 498, 499. little pass. from Desc. Pass. to Well-shaft, 314. Queen's Ch., 596. Small Hor. Pass., 302. Subt. Ch., 145, 294, 302, 308. Upper Entr. Pass., of 2nd Pyr., 250. Well-shaft, 542, 548, 565. Warden, Capt. Wm. Orr, note p. 199. Washing, 377.

is every one that


Water, at Jerusalem, 368.

at the Pyrs., 258. for tents at Pyrs., 256. tubes and wheels for raising, 218.

Weather, 258. Weeks of Daniel (See Seventy). Well, 529-571.

at the commencement of Hor. Pass. to Queen's Ch., 173, 181, 184.

bend in upper portion of shaft of, 539.

built part of shaft of, 540, 548-552.

central position of upper end of, 184.

cleared out by M. Caviglia, 241, PEO}, BE SY BEES

cleared out by Mr. 235;

final portion of shaft of, 569.

first vertical part of shaft of, 541, 543.

Prof. Flinders Petrie’s regarding, 532.

inclined part of shaft of, 565-568, 570.

irregular portion of shaft of, 542, 543, 558.

length of shaft of, 571.

little passage leading from Desc. Pass. to lower end of, 312-316.

lower end of, 94, 183, 312-316.

lower terminal of, formerly a great mystery, 546.

mouth of upper end of, 105, 169, 183, 329, 530-536.

no faith in Well as a way to life, 183.

Pliny’s reference to the, 547.

recognition of symbolism of, the key to understanding Gt. Pyr.’s teaching, 120.

rock-cut part of, completed first, 549.

securing iron pin at head of, 327, 329,

size of, 124.

small hor. pass. at upper end of, 102, 532, 537.

stones found in shaft of, 543, 558.

summit below level of Queen's Ch. floor, 126.



Well (continued), symbolizes Hades, or the deathstate, 118, 122, 169, 409. symbolizes the Ransom-sacrifice, 182, p. 90. the only open way to the upper passages and chambers, 124, 169. theories held regarding the, 546, 547. Wheat, symbolical, 68. Wheeler, Dr., 365, 424. Where are the Dead? brochure, 217, 221, 266, 415. (See Adv.) lecture, 451. Wilkinson, Sir J. Gardner, 547. Will, 191. Wind, 264, 265, 319, 320, 322, 339, 343, 428, 474. Women, 436. Workmanship, 85, 226, 250, 338, 504. World (See Present Evil World), condition of the, 146-148. escape the condemnation of the, by faith, 182. love of God in sending his Son to die for the, 188. of the ungodly, 33, 48, 61. only way to save the, 149. physical, not to be destroyed, 159. plunged into degradation, 158, 159. those who lose grace of God, will share in the condemnation of the, 188. those who will judge and bless the, 209. trial of the, symbolized by the Hor. Pass. to Queen's Ch., 171176. ultimate salvation of the, 184. Worm, 293.

Year, exact length of, 21. symbolized by Pyr. Inch, 25, 118, 127, 167. Yoke, of Jesus, 167. of sin and death, 175. of the Law, 166.

Zag-a-Zig, 265.

Zechariah's Tomb, 399-401, 409. Zedekiah, 38.

Zeiss, Carl, 348, 478.


Genesis. 22 : 18, 30 Leviticus. S222: cee eee =<445 YG ce 143 43 : 32, Le 11 16 : 34, .. 48 II Samuel. 3217-19; . 147 46 ; 32-34, ... 5 18:5, ... 123, 138 S87 con . 422 4:22,.. ... page 250 Exodus. 23 ; 4-17, 200 24 : 18, ; ss 422 12 ; 1-3, - a 34 A722) 35 Deuteronomy, I Kings. WAG Sh oe 30 8 : 25, 26, 5 11:4, 138 4:26, ... ... 417 USSG, 34 19°; 1-8; 161 sgl 3 le 70 6:7, 387 18 = 17-33, .., 39 19:8, ... 123 19% 21, 53 CYR ee ooo. oe 22°52) v.90 26 : 30, 389 28: 1-, 138 I Chronicles. 22 ; 16-18, ... 34, 42 32:4 ... 387 28: 11, 19; ... 389