The Vedic fathers of geology

120 Tue Vepic FarHers or Gronoey.

All this, in other words, evidently means, that the Harth was at first im a state of ioneous fusion, until part of the heat having been diffused into surrounding space, it caused the aqueous vapour in the atmosphere to condense. This caused the fall of rain’ and created he first Thermal Ocean ( स समुद्रोऽमवत्‌ । ते° जा० २. 2. 3.2) .... Thus, our globe had acquired the liquid condition or molten state. But, the very high temperature of the Thermal Ocean or the boiling sea, made the waters extremely crystalline, and from these, granite, gneiss, mica, schist,

(6) स प्राचीनान्‌ पवतानद्ृहद्ेनसा ...। (1. ४. 71. 17.5: vide ante p. 104)

(०८) WaT... पृथिवीं चद्ढा vee (818. ४. 121. 5) He ( the Lord ) made the Harth solid, ( that wasin a gaseous state and molten condition ). Vide ante p. 105.

(2) तां ( परथिवी ) राक्रीराभिरदंहत्र । (1910४. 81. 1. 1. 8 7). He ( Prajipati ) then made the Harth solid by converting the Thermal Oceaninto hard gravel (=A<T). Vide ante p. 106. (d,e).

() sea: grat 1 ( T. Up. I. 1.)

From the waters (or the liquid state ), came out the Earth, that is, the waters gradually acquired solid condition, Hide ante p, 106. (d,e).

1 स (इन्दः) ओजसाधराचीनमक्रणाह्पासषः (४. ४. 17. 17. 8.) ‘“‘He( Indra ) with his might ordained the down-ward course of waters’. ( araqararsaq जपां = सेवस्थितानाखद कानाम्‌ ).