The Vedic fathers of geology

Grotocican Resunts Comparrep. 121

&c., having been precipitated, the Harth became cradually solid, while the granite crust having been partially broken up, and and mountains

began to rise above waters.

The investigations into the Palzontolo £ Sy


subsequent formations of rocks, also vield marvellous results, as these declare that vitality had not yet come into play, during the Earth’s gaseous or liquid state, when the materials of all rocks having been held in solution, every thing was converted into one Thermal Deep. Nor could there be life in the solid condition while the Earth’s crust was yet too hot for the sustenance of it. But, before we proceed 10 sive further paleontological details of great interest, we must pause fora while and turn our attention to the geologists of modern times, in view of seeing, whether the geological ideas of our Vedic ancestors favourably compare with those of the present age, especially as this commands all the resourees of the nineteenth and the twentieth centuries, and receives every sort of available aid that intellect, zeal, and vast

ooress in the science, could possibly supply ; but which, on the contrary, could hardly be expected by our Vedic Rishis, during the times of the hoary past and the Tertiary Period