The Vedic fathers of geology

122 Tue Vuptc Faruers or Grorocy.

From the foregoing scrutiny of facts, and the details given in statement No. I (pp. 104 @ 108), the reader will have easily perceived, that the central idea of our Vedic Fore-fathers, in regard to the present configuration of the 21006 was, that

(a) itwas first in a gaseous state of igneous fusion ; that

(0) then, it acquired liquid condition, in which the materials of all rocks were held in solution ; and that

(c) subsequently, part of it having become converted into a solid crust as it cooled down, it appeared in the form of lands and mountains.

Let us, therefore, compare this very ancient Vedic idea with the most modern views of the recent West. And I may here, at the very outset, be allowed to offer an humble suggestion that, 7m time as also in space, the confines of the Universe, or His works of creation, absolutely le beyond the reach of mortal ken. Naturally, therefore, many Vedic Scientists and subsequent Hindu philosophers, as also Western Savants and geologists, touch at times a most sonorous chord and strike a soft melodious note, by declaring their deep conviction,
