The Vedic fathers of geology

142 Tue Vepic Farumrs or Grorocy.

makes the evidence all the more relevant, and stronger still, in the matter. For instance, while on the one hand, the Fish warns Manu of the coming deluge in the Shatapatha Brahmana, and asks him to construct a ship for embarking therein, Ahuramazda on the other hand tells Yima, (supposed in the Avestic Scriptures to be the king of great wealth ), about the coming winter-frost in a prophetic tone, after advising him to build a Vara (enclosure), for preserving all seeds there. And I may here with advantage take the opportunity to observe, that Manu is also called Vivasyat (faaetq) in the RigVeda,’ and that the Yima of the Avesta is our Indian Yama. Besides, Yima’s another appellation in the Avesta is also Vivanhan, which is but a corrupt form of Vaivasvata ( वैवस्वत ) appearing in the Rzg- Veda,” where he is called by both the names, viz. Vaivasvata and Yama ( वैवस्वतं .-जनानां यमं राजानं... ), and said to be the son of Vivasvan? ( विवस्वंतं हुवे यः पिता ते ) (यम ).

1 यथा मनौ विवस्वति... (BR. V. VIII. 52. 1). ‰ वैवस्वतं संगमनं जनानां यमे राजानं हविषा इवस्य । (RB, V. X. 14.1).

8 अंगिरोभिरागरहि य्ियभिर्य॑म वैरुपेरिह मादयस्व । विवस्वतं हवे यः पिता तेऽस्मिन्यन्ते बहिष्या निषद्य ॥ (7. ए. र 14. 5).