Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu



After the unsuccess of Security counsel, General assembly was called to an extraordinary session based on the Resolution »United for peace«. The General assembly managed, with the majority of two thirds, to adopt the resolution 997 (RS —I) by which it was demanded that invaders troups should withdraw from the Egyptian territory. By the application of this resolution the triple aggression was liquidated. This is one of the brightest moments in the history of OUN. This resolution was rapidly carried out because it was supported by eff icent force of the international organisation which assured its application. Apart from that, two super powers, USA and SSSR used great diplomatic pressure on Britain and France, demanding withdrawal of the aggressor from the occupied territory. A contribution was also given by the nonallient countries which had severely condemned the aggression. Eleven years later, in 1967, Israel commited another aggression, this time alone, against Egypt, Syria and Jordan. Security counsel met immediately, but hardly managed to obtain the cease of fire. With a difference from 1956. this time USA did not permit the condemnetion of Israel, from what we can deduce that Israel started the war with the approval, if not of the most responsable, than certanly of very influent american groups. After the failure of the Security counsel, General assembly was called to an extraordinary session, but did not manage to bring a resolution condemning the Israelian aggression. Because of that, the question of the Israelian aggression was sent back to the Security counsel, which on the 22nd of november 1967, finally managed to bring the well known resolution number 242, in which was asked, among other things, the withdrawal of Israelian forces from occupied territorys. This resolution, at the moment of its proclamation, had the character of a reccommendation. But, when it was accepted by Israel, Egypt and Jordan it became a legal bond. The refusal of Israel to carry out this resolution rappresents one of the greatest defeats of the United Nations, from its establishment till now. This became possible only because USA fully supported Isreal. Therefore, the disagreements between two super powers paralised the functioning of United Nations. Because of that, they have remained incapable unitili now to liquidate the Israelian aggression of 1967. RÉSUMÉ Le rôle des Nations Unies dans les crises au Moyen-Orient, en 1956 et 1967 L’auteur a traité dans son étude la question de l’activité des Nations Unies dans le règlement des crises au Moyen-Orient en 1956 et 1967. Comme on le sait, l’lsraël a commis l’agression contre l'Egypte et 1956. Immédiatement après s’est ensuivi l’ultimatum franco-britanique, qui en réalité n'a été envoyé qu'à l’Egypte, car au préalable la Grande Bretagne, la France et l’lsraël s'étaimis d’accord sur cette agression. Le Conseil de sécurité, qui a été appelé à prendre des mesures contre cette agression, n’a pu adopter aucune décision, parce que la résolution proposée a été rejetée par le vèto de la Grande Bretagne et de la France. Après l’insuccès du Conseil de sécurité, l’Assemblée générale a été convoquée en session extraordinaire en vertu de la Résolution »Unis pour la paix«. L’Assemblée générale a réussi à adopter par la majorité des deux tiers la résolution 997 (RS —I) par laquelle elle exigeait que les troupes d’invasion se retirent du teritoire égyptien. Cette résolution a été mise à exécution et de cette manière la triple agression a été liquidée. C’est l'un des plus brillants événements dans l’histoire des Nations Unies.