Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu



Соглашение, весьма решительно ссилаются на свои ранние права и обязанности и констатируют их нерушимость. В Соглашении содержатся также элементы субрегиональной структуры европейской коллективной безопасности. Принятие их является доказательством того, что в новый европейский порядок коллективной безопасности вводятся элементы существующего статус позволяющие великим державам задержать" в новом порядке свои особые позиции. Остается открытым вопрос каким образом будет регулирована проблема отношений решений союзников и Устава Организации Объединенных Наций, которому должна быть дана неограниченная и полная возможность применения в Европе. SUMMARY Elements of European security in the quadrible agreement of Berlin Quadrible agreement about Berlin was adopted when the loosening of tension in international relations was strongly felt in Europe, where recently concrete measures for the normalization of relations between states were undertaken. Contemporary, concrete measures were undertaken for the creation of a new system of collective security in Europe, that ought to have for final object the strengthening of security developement of multilateral collaboration of all European countries, and finały the gradual elimination of the division in blocks of Europe. Signing of the quadrible agreements about Berlin and other acts of normalization such as: Moscow, Warsaw, Berlin and other pacts rappresent the elements of construction of a new international and juridical order of security and collaboration in Europe. Quadrible agreement has special importance in this, because its text includes international and juridical elements of the periods of evolution of European sicurity after the second world war. It also indicates, that four states, decided througt the Quadriple agreement, to maintain certain positions in Berlin, and authomaticaly in the whole Germany, and that most certanly has to have influence on the contents and on the structure of European security and collaboration. In the quadible agreement elaborated on the basis of the former décidions of allies and the existing status quo are included the elements of international and juridical instruments from the first period of development of European security and collaboration. The four stipulating parts, very distinctly call upon their former rights and dutys, and conclude that they remain unclanged. The agreement also includes the elements of sub-regional structure of European collective security. Acceptance of this confirm that the new European order of collective sicurity includes the elements ot the existing status quo which enables the maintainement of especial position of great powers in this order. Remains an open question on how will be regulated the relation between décidions of allies and the Charter of United Nations, for which should be provided unlimited and complete application in Europe. RÉSUMÉ Les éléments de la sécurité européenne dans l'accord quadripartite relatif à Berlin L’accord quadripartite relatif à Berlin était adopté à l’époque quand la détente dans les relations internationales a été fortement ressentie en Europe, où on a entrepris tout dernièrement des mesures concrètes de normalisation des rapports entre les Etats, dont ils en avaient besoin. En même