
Avangarde su zbegovi onih koji sanjaju Zlatni Vek, doba celine, smisla i razloga, doba kője možda nikada nije ni postojalo, ali kője, kako vreme odmiče postaje sve stvarnije, sve istinitije i sve vise postoji na mestu gde se stvarnost sunovratila u neprepoznatljivu i lažnu promenu koja se predstavlja kao novo i buduće. Hajzenbergov princip neizvesnosti uči da nije moguće odrediti položaj bilo kője čestice u prostoru i istovremeno izmeriti brzinu njenog kretanja. Samo uz ovaj princip kvantne mehanike Specijalna teorija Marićevog zeta Alberta Anštajna može se odobriti i prihvatiti. Samo njome može se, opet, ispuniti Volterov zahtev da se Bog postavi na prazno mesto na kojem ga néma i ako ga néma. Pozorište to oduvek radi jer ono je barokna umetnost i živeti u njemu znači živeti Zlatno Doba. □ Ljubiša Ristić

Teátrum Mundi and The Irresistible Longing for the Golden Age El gran teatro del mundo, says the unfortunate Princ Sigismund when confronted by the inconceivable border-line between reality and dream in the third scene of »La vida es sueno«. »A tale. .. full of sound and fury« as Shakespeare adds in »Macbeth«. These two statements, especially the first, will secure for Theatre a very high position ih the strict Hegelian hierarchy of the Absolute Spirit, one closest to the Absolute Spirit itself. A place from which, hellas. Arts and Philosophy can be contemplated from the heights: only in Theatre is the world true, hence real. These two statements, especially the second, will forever deprive Theatre of its power to interprete Sense in an earthly and useful manner, as is done by the wretched Chronicle, the sly and fickle servant of History, ergo, only in Theatre is the history of the World real, hence true. Shakespeare and Claderom never met. It was a discussion between like-minds, stupefied and horrified by the troubling