


HANS-THIES LEHMANN, professor of theatre studies and director of master program in dramaturgy at Goethe University Frankfurt/Mai; born 1944; taught in a numberof universities (among others Berlin, Gießen (Applied Theatre Studies), Krakow, Kaunas, Paris 111, Paris VIII, Paris X, Charlottesville (USA), Universiteit van Amsterdam,Tokyo, Aberystwyth (Wales), Roma 111. He was member of several theatre juries (for example Holland Festival, Mülheim Festival, radio play prize). He is member of the German Academy of the Performing Arts, the steering comittee of Theatre Academy of Hessia (Germany) and Heiner Müller Society, is president of the international Brecht Society and member of the editing board of the journal "Performance Research". His numerous publications include: Theatre and Myth. The constitution of the subject in ancient Greek Tragedy (1991), Postdramatic Theatre (Ist edition 1999, translated in 10 languages), Writing the political (2002), Handbook Heiner Müller (with Patrick Primavesi) /2004) as well as numerous essays on contemporary theatre and theatre theory, aesthetics, Brecht and Heiner Müller. MIA DAVID was born in 1974. She graduated from the Faculty of Architecture in Belgrade. She got her MA with the Group for Scene Design, University of Arts in Belgrade and is currently working on her DA thesis with the same department. She is involved in researching and designing different spaces. She is the author of a number of projects in the area of architecture, design, scene design and art, as well as over a hundred articles published in Camp, Ambijenti and Kvart magazines. As a Partnerin the Blok architect studio, she is the co-author of several buildings and interior designs. She authored several exhibitions for the Jewish Historical Museum on the topics of the holocaust and Jewish tradition and history. She has exhibited her architectural and scene design pieces in Frankfurt, Moscow, Venice and Rome. She is the winner of the Special Award at the 6th Biennial of Stage Design (2006) for scene design, video and promotional material for the play Pylades performed by the National Theatre Uzice, and the 2007 Joakim Vujic award for scene design in the play Arts and Leisure (Umetnost i dokolica) by the same theatre. She is the author of the scene design and promotional material for the Servant of Two Masters, co-produced by the National Theatre Uzice, Bitef Theatre, Venice Biennale, Offucina Eclectic Arts and Grand Theatre Groningen, and premiered at the Venice Biennale in 2007. She is the founder and editor in chief of Kvart magazine. MARIJA KARAKLAJIC was born in 1978 in Kragujevac. In 2002 she graduated from the Dramaturgy Department of the Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Belgrade. In 2005 she was awarded a DAAD scholarship for the postgraduate studies in dramaturgy under Hans-Thies Lehmann at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University in Frankfurt. She obtained a Master of Arts in dramaturgy in 2007. Since 2001, she has been working as a freelance dramaturge in Serbia, Slovenia and Germany. During the 2003-04 season she worked as a coordinator for the NADA Playwriting Program at the National Theatre in Belgrade. She is the author of several theatre dramatisations and radio plays. Plays: "Fausse-attaque, mal parer" (2000, premiered at the National Theatre in Subotlca 2003, directed by Ljuboslav Majera), "Milk Tooth of Soil" (2002/03), "Face of Glass" (2005, premiered at the BitefTheatre 2008, directed by Anja Susa). In 2007 she was awarded "Borislav Mihajlovic Mihiz" prize for her dramatic work.

Although best performance awards have been given since the first Bitef in 1967, the first decision made by specially nominated jury by Counsel was at 3 Bitef 69. The members of the first jury were: Ljubomir Draskic, dr Hugo Klajn, Borislav Mihajlovic-Mihiz, Borka Pavicevic, Miodrag Pavlovic, Branko Plesa, Slobodan Selenic, Pavle Stefanovic, Mira Trailovic, Stojan Ce lie, Jovan Cirilov and Jovan Hristic.