
19. septembar, 18:30 RATNICI LEPOTE / LES GUERRIERS DE LA BEAUTÉ Dokumentarni film

September 19 th , 18:30 THE WARRIORS OF BEAUTY / LES GUERRIERS DE LA BEAUTÉ A documentary

Režija: Pjer Kolibef Adaptacija kreacije Jana Fabra Dijalozi: Bart Fersafel (inspirisano tekstovima Ovidija, Kafke, Sekspira, Homera, Poa, Tolkina, Singera, Kerola i Klajsta) Zemlja: Francuska, Belgija Producent: Fantal Delanoe Koprodukclja: Regards Productions (Pariz), Periscope Productions (Brisel) ZDF/ARTE, VRT, TVIO Angers Trajanje: 71’ 35 mm, kolor, Dolby SR, 2002. Inspiracija za film Ratnici legate bile su koreografske i pozorisne kreacije Jana Fabra. Po reditelju Pjeru Kolibefu, koji je i sam likovni umetnik, ovaj film najbolje može da se opiše kao lavirint s mnogo ulaza. Gledaoce iznenađuje neobična Arijadna u vencanici, neka vrsta zloduha putovanja. Ona je voditeljka koja pogresno usmerava u svet metamorfoza, pomerenih ličnosti, konfliktnih nagona, parodije, rituala i nadrealnog. Pjer Kolibef je reputaciju stekao kao reditelj i vizuelni umetnik. Za dvadeset godina rada snimio trideset kratkih i celovečernjih filmova. Čest je gost međunarodnih filmskih festivala i kolektivnih i samostalnih umetničkih izložbi na kojima izlaže foto i video instalacije. Njegovi radovi inspirisani su, između ostalih, delima Pjera Klosovskog, Mikelanđela Pistoleta, Marine Abramovic, Jana Fabra, Meg Stjuart. Njegovi najpoznatiji filmovi su: L'Homme noir (1998), Balkan Baroque (1999), Lost Paradise, Les Guerriers de la beauté (2002), Somewhere in between (2004), Amour Neutre (2005), Pavillon noir (2006).

Directed by: Pierre Coulibeuf Adaptation of Jan Fabre's creation Dialogues: Bart Verschaffe! (based on texts by Ovid, Kafka, Shakespeare, Homer, Poe, Tolkien, Singer, Carroll, Kleist) Country: France, Belgium Producer: Chantai Delanoë Coproduction: Regards Productions (Pariz), Periscope Productions (Brussels), ZDF/ARTE, VRT, TVIO Angers Duration: 71' 35mm, colour Dolby SR, 2002 The film was inspired by Jan Fabre's choreographic and theatre creations. The director Coulibeuf, a painter himself, thinks that this film is best described as multiple-entry maze. The audience is surprised by an unusual Ariadne in a wedding gown, a sort of an evil travelers' guide. She misleads into the world of metamorphoses, strange characters, conflicting urges, into parody, ritual and the surreal. Pierre Coulibeuf is best known as a director and a visual artist. He has made thirty shorts and feature films in his twenty-year long career He has often participated at international film festivals, as well as at various large and solo exhibitions of photographic and video installations. In his work, he is inspired by the work of Pierre Klossowski, Michelangelo Pistoletto, Marina Abramovic, Jan Fabre, Meg Stuart His most famous films are: L'Homme no/r (1998), Balkan Baroque (1999), Lost Paradise. Les Guerriers de la beauté (2002), Somewhere in between (2004), Amour Neutre (2005), Pavillon noir (2006).