
potpune predanosti sebi i energijama svemira možemo nazvati i meditadjom, poniranjem u vlastitu bit. Slika, zvuk, buka, sum ometaju nas u razumijevanju sebe i drugih oko nas. A bez razumijevanja drugog bića nema stvarnog odnosa, nema intimnosti, bliskosti, ispunjenja i ljubavi. Ljubavi kao sile koja pokreće svijet, kao temelja života koji nije drugdje (kako je о njemu pisao Kundera) niti je sažet u mudrim rečenicama kakve nudi Coelho. lako je između kunderizama i koelizama uvijek oportunije birati prvo, u virtualnim obrascima duhovnosti koja se nudi kao fast food za dušu koelizmi su prihvatljiviji. A na kraju, и nedostatku komunikacije, voajerizmu u tudu intimnost, sebičnosti samaštva, ostaje samo pitanje koje na kraju svog filma Glas mjeseca (La voce della luna, 1990) postavlja Felini: „Ako bismo svi malo utihnuli, možda bismo nešto i razumjeli." Snježana Abramović Milković

we have lost thoughts and feelings, the poetry of the reality which takes shape in the purity of inner silence. A moment of full commitment to oneself and the energies of the universe can be termed meditation, immersion in one's essence. Image, sound, noise prevent us from understanding ourselves and others around us. And without the understanding of another being there is no real relationship, no intimacy, no closeness, fulfillment and love. Love as a force which moves the world, as the basis of life which is not elsewhere (as Kundera wrote) or condensed in wise sentences offered by Coelho. Although it is always more opportune to opt for kunderisms rather than coelhisms, in virtual models of spirituality offered as fast food for the soul, coelhisms are more acceptable. And in the end, in the absence of communication, and the presence of voyeurism of other people's intimacy, selfishness of oneliness, what remains is only the guestion asked by Fellini at the end of his film La voce della luna (1990): "If we'd all just keep quiet for a while, we might understand something" Snježana Abramović Milković