Chinese and Sumerian


AC.=Perrot and Chipiez, A Aistory of Artin Chaldea and Assyria. London. 1884.

AL®.=Assyrische Lesestiicke, von Friedrich Delitzsch, ed. 5. Leipzig. 1912.

Ar.=Arabic; Aram.=Aramaic; As. or Assyr.= Assyrian.

B, (in the Sign-list)=Barton, G. A., The Origin and Development of BabylonianWriting. Leipzig. 1913. =

BPS.=Babylonische Busspsalmen, von Dr. Heinrich Zimmern. Leipzig. 1885.

Br.=Briinnow, R. E., A Classified List of all Simple and Compound Cuneiform TIdeographs. Leyden. 1889. (The numerals in the Sumerian column of the Comparative Lexicon mainly refer to this indispensable work.)

C. (in the Sign-list)=Couling, Samuel (a MS. list of old Chinese characters from inscribed fragments of bone).

Chalmers=The Structure of Chinese Characters, by John Chalmers, M.A., LL.D. Aberdeen. London. 1882.

Char.=character; charr.=characters.

Cogn.=cognate ; cogn. c.=cognate with.

C. T.= Cuneiform Texts from Babylonian Tablets, &c., in the British Museum.

D.=Dangin, Frangois Thureau, Recherches sur Torigine de Pécriture cunéiforme. Paris. 1898. (A work of priceless value for comparative purposes.)

Déc.=Découvertes en Chaldée, par Ernest de Sarzec. Paris, 1891. (‘A thing of beauty is a joy for ever.’)

Dél. en Perse.=De Morgan, Délégation en Perse, vol. ii. (Ob. de Man.= Obélisque de ManiStuirba vot de Kish there published.)

Del.=Deluge-Tablet (VE. xi).

Dez.= Determinative ; a character indicative of class or genus.

Dial.= dialectic.

Douglas=Rev. Carstairs Douglas, M.A., LL.D., A Dictionary of the A moy Vernacular. London. 1873.

£d., Edkins=An Introduction to the Study of the Chinese Characters, by Joseph Edkins, D.D. London. 1876. (Of great value for the study of the Phonetics.)

ES.=EM®-SAL; the softer dialect of Sumerian,

Eth.= Ethiopic or Geéz; a Semitic dialect.

G. or Giles=Giles, H. A., A Chinese-English Dictionary, London. 1892. (The numerals in the Chinese column of the Comparative Lexicon refer to the corresponding entries in this work.)

Hommel=Swmerische Lesestiicke, von Dr. Fritz Hommel. Miinchen. 1894. Der hieroglyphische Ursprung der Keilschriftzeichen. (Autographed Paper, read at the Paris Oriental Congress, 1898.)

AWB. (sometimes D.W.) = Assyrisches Handwirterbuch, von Friedrich Delitzsch. Leipzig. 1896.

FAOS.=Fournal of the American Oriental S octety,

Lex. or Comp. Lex.=the ‘Comparative Lexicon of Sumerian and Chinese ’, PP» 35-151 of the present work,