Chinese Journal of Physiology

102 T. KING anp C, PAK

Average ratio:


Ephetonims 9 2 O°

Three minutes after injection of ephetonin the blood pressure decreased to 52 per cent of the maximal rise, and 37 per cent in the case of pseudoephedrine. The effect of blood pressure is more prolonged in the case of ephetonin than that of pseudoephedrine in the ratio of 1 to 0.7.

IV. The comparison of ephedrine and pseudoephedrine. See fig. 3. a. Nasal volume, Two experiments, see table 4,

When ephedrine was given before pseudoephedrine:

Ps-ephedrine Ephedrine

= 0.87 When pseudoephedrine was given before ephedrine:


Ephedrine ~ °°: Average ratio:

Ps-ephedrine_., ,, Ephedrine Oe.

The ratio of the duration of effect was:


ee =: ( Mile Ephedrine oo

Three minutes after the injection of ephedrine the increased nasal volume decreased to 85 per cent of the maximal effect and 60 per cent for pseudoephedrine. :

be Blood pressure

If ephedrine was given before pseudoephedrine.

Ps-ephedrine — 0.62 Ephedrine

If pseudoephedrine was given before ephedrine:


ee (50)

Ephedrine Or Average ratio:

Ps-ephedrine = 0.56
